
Fear – poetic expression

Fear. This week’s word drew out many issues and challenges, being faced personally and in the world. There are many unknowns and uncertainties, which characteristically as humans, tends to activate our fear responses.

Until we truly accept there is no certainty, these moments will continue to stir something in us. Our fight, flight, freeze or flop response may help us survive in these moments, however not sure about the thriving.

Another interesting night, sharing some personal stories and experiences, that is always helpful to express.
We hope you enjoy some of the poems from the sessions
If you would like to explore you, and the world around you in this way, you are most welcome to join us.
See you next week with the word ‘reflection’.
Hope to see you there.
Fight Flight


Go stay freeze
I’m stuck in my ancestors
Primordial junk receptors
I try to rise above this behaviour
To make a decision in my favour
Yet this can be still a dilemma
There are times I fail in my endeavour
I think I can be so strong
That I can do no wrong
This can be such a misnomer
Controlling my emotional drama
To think logic will overcome feelings
Is a battle I have never won.
To expect my power to control
Lie in the words I extoll
Is to forget emotions are my meat
They are the muscles from which I speak
Used every day they underplay
How my truths and lies are portrayed
They are the measure of all my tears
That are suspended in my history of fears
Once shed they don’t disappear
They regurgitate and proliferate
Undermining and obliterating
All the attributes I’ve been trying
To substitute my inbred bias and fears
In an endless repetition over years of
Go stay freeze
PJR    08.04.2024 



Oh dear!
That which I feared, happened
Fraud, a hack into my account

Things just didn’t stack up
Luckily for me, it clicked
I questioned ‘how can that balance be?’

Not so lucky I was picked
I hate being tricked
Seems this is the new way
Now having to watch out
For the games being played
Woven in amongst the web

Of darkness, lies and manipulations
No consideration for the lives of others
Just to strive for their own gain
Able to hide, no way to find out
who is behind the crime

It is such a shame that its come to this
In such a short time, we’ve moved from the bliss
Of technology that aided our lives
To algorithms and codes that are leading to this mess

We’ve been set on a course
Forced to abide
Wheels in motion
With this noisy commotion
That leaves us chasing, racing
No longer embracing
The simple things in life…

Is there a way to slow it down
And feel my feet back on the ground?
I fear not…

TLaB 8th April 2024

Moonlit Night In The Alley

Menacing Mind

Walking home one moonlit night
The sounds, the smells, the stillness
Shadows in the alleyway
Feeling panic and uncertainty
Eyes darting here and there
A quickening of footsteps, or a prowling hound?
My heart is pounding, now I’m bounding
through the streets to familiar ground
Such a deadly fear of the unknown
With a cry of relief from a terrified mind
Suddenly engulfed in the safety of home

8th April 2024
Go Fund Me

Remember, I will be with you every step of the way

In Year 1, when other children were actively answering questions in class I dipped my head down instead
I just didn’t want to get it wrong
To be laughed at by my peers and teachers.
Coming to Australia
I was shocked in my class
Everyone here was so confident to share their opinions and ask questions
They were like the shining stars in my eyes
I wished that I could be one of them one day.
11 years later
In today’s writing session
I shared my poem in front of 24 participants full of expression, being a complete beginner and the only non-native speaker
I just wanted to grow and hear feedback
One participant told me afterwards
She felt too shy to share
Finally, I did something.
Tomorrow, it will be another move
Launching my first GoFundMe campaign
For one of my dreams
I never thought I would do this one day
Because it was a no-no in my culture
How would others think of me?
How embarrassing it is to ask people for money?
But this time, I was determined
It was not only for myself, but for others
I want to share my talents with this whole world too
I am not asking money for nothing
It’s a win-win.
So Qian, please keep it up.
Can you care less about what others think of you?
Can you live more in love and courage rather than many layers of fear?
Can you show more of your true personality, your playful and spontaneous side, rather than just being kind?
Does that sound liberating?
Would you like to live a life full of possibilities and surprises?
I know you are keen
So let’s do it
Remember, I will be with you every step of the way.

8th April 2024

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