
Keep Moving Lifestyle (KML) project

Keep Moving Lifestyle project is about getting more people on board to move more in life!

We see that when we move on things, we build the energy to do more things and feel good from it.

When we feel good, we are more inclined to do good things, and what a great way to build human connection and well-being in the community.


Join us

We are a community on Face Book (Keep Moving Lifestyle) social media platform to connect.

We infuse how to bring more movement into every day life, both formal and informal (planned and incidental) in key areas:  lower body, upper body, cardio, posture and lifestyle. 

This approach is to build energy and motivation to move more overall in all aspects of life.

We look forward to meeting you there.

Join and keep moving!

Engage in any way that feels good for you to move and benefit in your physical, mental, social, psychological, spiritual self.

  1. You could decide to engage a challenge
  2. You could gain some ideas and inspiration that aligns with you

We bring this wonderful session to the community in Adelaide. 

It is so much more than moving physically.

It is a session that offers education, fun, connection, amazing tips and inspirations around time when it feels hard to get started…

and how to expand moving into other areas of your life.

  1. Discover the power of small steps and how they really do lead to something better.
  2. Discover more about yourself and enjoy the power of what that brings.
  3. Enjoy the confidence that ripples from this time together.

If you wish to have this session run at your group, community, workplace, business… feel free to contact us to discuss how that be possible.

How does it work… 

We visit you – community, groups or other locations, to show how to make the most of the environment you are in.

We highlight the small, can do things that can make a difference to how you feel and engage life.

It is a session that offers a range of valuable things you could get started with straight away.

It is suitable for people of all ages, in all settings.

KML we come to you


I have found Keep Moving Lifestyle the best tool for me…it motivates me to incorporate exercise into my daily activities wherever I am. Tricia and Kay keep it real and relevant and the activities are fun and varied. It beats going to the gym – I can work out at home, at work, while shopping or even in the car! Keep Moving Lifestyle is my new way of life! 

I look forward to the moves in keep moving lifestyle. These are great reminders to keep active no matter where you are at any time. They have become a natural part of my day. The videos demonstrate good techniques to follow and variations to moves. I can do moves that match my basic skill level.

Keep moving lifestyle is great because it constantly reminds me of the simple exercises that I can do as a part of my normal day, not on top of my normal day.  This allows me to move more often and, as my body recovers more slowly than it used to, provides me alternatives to high impact movements.

I just wanted to say a big thank you for your simple yet creative ways of helping me overcome my fear of movement and for getting me back to the gym , where I now train twice a week and on my own the other days . What your program has enabled me to understand is that movement is extremely important in maintaining health, strength and wellbeing. Living with daily chronic pain and inflammation due to fibromyalgia made me believe that if I didn’t move I’ll be in less pain. Nothing was further from the truth. What I come to realise with your help was that simple, daily exercise with the addition of some light weights have strengthened my body, increased my fitness and reduced my inflammation. Who would have guessed. Thank you so much for your help and encouragement.

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