‘Thunder’ – what is the first thing that comes to mind with this word?
We enjoyed the array of ways this word is often used. It can be the literal meaning, or it can be used as a representation, an expression, a metaphor.
Once again, the diversity of ways we interpret and share. Sometimes it just helps to express something about how we are feeling, or share a moment in time.
No matter which, they all bring us something. Stella shared the poetry style she used was called cherita. How wonderful we are experiencing different approaches to this expression.
Feel free to join in with this unique poetic expression approach we journey through each week. It’s more than the word, it’s where it leads us, it’s what arrives, it’s a gateway to what lies within, a time to share and feel free.
Feel free to pass this on, comment below, or join in each week.
The next word is ‘suspicious’.
Hope to see you there.

Let me tell my news
Try not to steal my thunder
Silence is golden
PJR 21.08.2023

winter sky
the rumble of thunder
and flash of lightning
we listen
to the patter
of hail on glass
Stella D

The gates are open, the punters arrive
It’s cup day at Willalooka
The locals dress up for this special day
The fashion is bold and outrageous
Mrs Green down the street
In the betting ring, enjoying a flutter
Her hat is askew, she has had a few
Hope she doesn’t trip in the gutter
They are off and racing, the cup is away
The thunder of hooves, the crowds roar
The winning post in view once more
The excitement is quite contagious
Oh look, there’s Mrs Green
Her hat is nowhere to be seen
She has acquired a woobly boot
The champagne has kicked in
As she yells with a grin
Thunder Bolt has won
The Will-a-loo-ka Cup!!
CCon 21st August 23
Thunder vs Sunshine

Thunder vs Sunshine
I used to hate thunder,
because of its intensity,
and it’s so violent.
I liked the sunshine,
because of its gentleness,
and everything looks so perfect.
That’s what I was hoping to present to my auntie when she visited me last year.
I told myself,
hey Qian,
she is here only for a short while,
so remember to ren 忍 (tolerate),
to compromise,
and do not create conflicts.
After all,
she always has good intentions,
wanting the best for my development and happiness.
Yes, I can do this,
how hard it is to pretend to be a good and obedient child for just 2 weeks.
I thought I could.
I thought I was doing well,
in the last two days,
just two days,
so close,
I lost my temper.
I couldn’t hold my emotions anymore.
We have such a different way of values and perspective of life.
What she said to me really impacted me and my heart,
so I just couldn’t pretend to be a ray of sunshine anymore. So, if you ask me now,
would I want to be treated like a thunderstorm?
Well, if I had to choose between sunshine (pretending) and thunderstorm,
I think I would rather pick the latter,
Because for me,
authenticity always wins.
XQZ 21st August 23

Displaced alone cold
The rolling thunder crashing
Frozen with fear
Longing to appease this deep fear
Where do I go
It passes by slow
Tomorrow comes
Sweet silence sings
The gentle breeze brings
deep calm…
This moment sublime
Can I freeze time
The world
A divine blend
There is no end
The uncertainty
The danger
The uniqueness
The wonder
The perfection of what is…
TLaB 21st August 23