Author name: Tricia La Bella

Poetic Expression

Sapphire (poetic expression)

It was wonderful to find out more about sapphires. That’s the beauty of these sessions, it can path the way to learn things we may not otherwise have researched. Of course it also takes us somewhere, and even brings up things in our subconscious that say a little about us and the way we see the world. What do you know about ‘sapphires’? I learnt a lot about what they symbolise. I loved the discussion around how gems are extracted and the role they play in defining status in many instances.

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About Community Members, Knit A Care Square, Uncategorised

William’s Wardrobe

Sometimes you come across people who are having a significant impact on those around them. Catherine and Hazel from William’s Wardrobe, are two such people. We were grateful to have spent a night with Catherine, who was looking for people to help. People who most of us choose to ignore, drive passed and do not want to see.‘Hi we’re from Williams wardrobe, have you eaten tonight, do you need any clothing or blankets,’ she would say.And that got things started…

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Poetic Expression

Secrets (poetic expression)

This week’s topic on ‘secrets’ brought some interesting perspectives. There were many feelings about the nature of a secret, and its impact. Even the behaviours surrounding the thought of a secret… Often it seems to attract attention.Once again, this topic had us delve into our selves, our lives, our past and address or have a conversation with it, which we have come to know how powerful that is.

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Poetic Expression

Blind (poetic expression)

It was on ANZAC day that we came together with our expression about the word ‘blind’. Some would see the connection between the two, while it wasn’t intended. For our ANZAC soldiers landing at the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey, on that fateful day in 1915, in a way were ‘blind sided’ by the miscalculations in the planning, that lead many soldiers to their deaths. 

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Poetic Expression

Birth (poetic expression)

Birth… an arrival. Many memories and stories told about the nature of the arrival / birth of those close to us. And of course there is the arrival, the ‘birth’ of things new…
Within our own lives, within our selves and the things around us, new things are born each day.
What does ‘birth’ conjure for you? Where does it take you and how would you express that?
We hope you enjoy the read, and perhaps express your own feelings about the word ‘birth’.

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The trauma of COVID (podcast)

The COVID pandemic, has hugely impacted our lives; for many due to loss of loved ones, businesses and livelihoods, the anxiety and stress from uncertainty and disruption, the overwork and ongoing threats in various occupations, the injustice of who survives on many levels, including financially.  
It has impacted us all in different ways. 
In this podcast we explore the nature of heart-based as governments look to move on and tackle the economic issues due to the COVID and other disasters happening around the world. 

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Poetic Expression

Handle (poetic expression)

Have you ever wondered more deeply about the role a handle plays in life? And the origin of the word, and what that suggests? Once again, it is not until you give words some space in your week to ponder, that your curiosity and creativity arrives. We spent some time in the item, the handle… And then we delved into the concept of getting a handle on things that are difficult for us.

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Why do we follow norms? Podcast

This podcast explores the notion of what is seen as ‘normal’. 
Nigel and Tricia, explores how the belief that ‘everyone is doing it’ can often lures us to engage in things that may not actually be good for us, or what we truly want.  
With heart based living, it is about discovering what actually feels right for you, your authentic self and may involve moving against the ‘norm’.
Discovering your why’s, may help you navigate through these challenges and dilemmas and lead to greater and deeper self care for the long term. 

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Poetic Expression

Nostalgia (poetic expression)

‘A sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period in the past’. Sometimes certain things can evoke feelings of nostalgia. Sometimes it is associated with feeling ‘homesick’. It can bring up different kinds of emotion. You can feel nostalgic over something from the past… Hope you enjoy the poems and the wonderful poem that was shared many years ago and has been brought to this group. Very special.

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