Author name: Tricia La Bella


Being versus feeling… what is the difference? Podcast

There is a lot of talk about what we need to do to be happy, successful, wealthy and the list goes on. 
So often there are lists from research or what others have found worked for them, and in many instances, people try to follow some of those things in the hope they too will get the same results.
We have found, in so many instances, it actually leads to the opposite, as often they feel alien or even too difficult to engage or uphold.  

Being versus feeling… what is the difference? Podcast Read Post »


What is trust? Podcast

Trust is a word often used, and we thought we’d have a conversation around how we see it in terms of a heart based living approach. 
As trust often revolves around what we believe, it becomes clear how we can gain or lose trust, as our many life experiences has us all with varied beliefs in a broad range of areas. 

What is trust? Podcast Read Post »

Poetic Expression

Pancakes (poetic expression)

How do you feel about ‘pancakes’ and what does it conjure for you? For many the smell, the shape the stories to tell. This word, for sure did open some doors, into the past and what a blast, it was. The great thing is we chat and share about our lives, our feelings, our thoughts and the way we see life. We also open up to the views of others, and from that it expands ourselves.

Pancakes (poetic expression) Read Post »


Does niceness fool you? Podcast

In life, we are regularly caught up in systems that are meant to be helpful however often lack the flexibility and capability to accommodate unique and specific needs. 
Help is often provided with politeness, doing things with a smile, adhering to protocols however the systems themselves often lack a human approach. 
People are looking to be truly heard and understood,  as often life issues are more complex, not straight forward.

Does niceness fool you? Podcast Read Post »

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