‘Naked’ – what does it say to you? Where does it take you? Naked; a term that could apply to things that are no longer disguised or covered.
How do you feel when no longer in disguise? When you are just as you are?
Have you ever been in that position?
We hope you enjoy our poems this week.
Feel free to comment or pass on for others to experience these short journeys.
The next week’s word is ‘temptation’
Hope to see you there.

The stop and start of engine sounds
It’s the rubbish collection truck
outside my home on its rounds
a hydraulic arm plucks the bin
depositing the contents noisily in
the whining compactor making more space
readying it for more household waste
moving further down the street
delivering an echo as it retreats
leaving me to wheel my bin back in.
Were it so simple with my thoughts
to chuck them out without remorse
to be dumped onto a mental landfill
where birds and vermin can prey at will
or recycle them and get a deposit back
or unpeel them and use them as compost
or even drop them off at an op shop
so others can try them on or not.
Another possibility for my musings
could be to strip them naked
nude thoughts could be amusing
unclothed laid bare exposed
all my lumps and bumps disclosed
then again some may find this disturbing
all this nakedness can be a bit concerning
maybe best to join a nudist colony
where everyone shares their physiology
however I must admit on reflection
clothing myself provides protection
still it doesn’t matter the choice of my dress
I retain my power to allow my inner voice
to express my naked thoughts without duress
PJR 28.11.2022

I used to feel that nakedness was about clothing
I had been indoctrinated, early, with the story of Adam and Eve’s
The events of “rules”. “temptation” then “deceit” and “shame” which led to the leaves
I realised that this is the nature of humans and the rest
We have learnt to feel civilised by covering up
Not revealing all of who we are and what we have
Being naked can lead to vulnerability or ridicule
I want to feel more free to show and express
All of me
So all can see
Who wants to
Who I really am
What I bring
All that makes my heart sing…

I walked into the room
Excited by what was ahead
It was time for fun
The last hoorah before the wedding
Painting trays ready
Easels in position
We were ushered to our spots
I wanted to be where I could see the lot
Important to capture it all
Especially that I’m not that tall
And there before my eyes
A naked person belied
Natural and calm
Elegance and charm
Nothing awkward or cold
More a beauty to behold
It was so nice to see
That nakedness could just be
No hiding, flaunting
Taunting or needing reporting
Just a body as it is meant to be
Unaffected by eyes that can see
Grateful for the parts
The wondrous art
So, it was good for me
To observe what could be
Because you see
Deep down I want to feel free
Live just as I am
No cover or glam
Spending time on what matters
Not feeling shattered
Because after all…
It’s just a scar
TLaB 28th Nov 22