This topic around labels fitted well with some themes that arrived from our last session (on instincts).
Some questions around how we grow or evolve emerged and in amongst that the concept of ‘labels’ arrived.
As soon as the word was selected, the realisation that it could lead us into many directions, which it did.
It may be reflective of the times, however our talk and expression, was around dominant culture and how easy it is to be defined and things to be normalised, and the impact of that on individuals and societies.
Once again, the creativity in expression and design of the poems presented, came through.
And some new realisations and understandings brought about by the honest and deep expressions shared by members in the session. At the end of the session, we chose something very unrelated for the next week’s topic. ‘puddles’. If you wish to join in, either with a poem or without, just arrive on the night. Click here for the link