Expressing/sharing feelings and choices about life

Expressing/sharing feelings and choices about life 05 SeptemberSep 2023 18:30 - 19:20
Online Events

Practice honest expression/sharing of your choices and feelings (from the heart) in your life, with Tricia and Nigel - Tuesdays @ 6:30pm (ACST). Just click this zoom Link to drop in. Open to all

With so much going on in the world, sometimes it can feel good to express how you are feeling. Whether it is about your personal day-to-day or something other, these shared sessions can help to make sense of where things are for your.

Facilitated in the spirit of care for ourselves, others and the environment, with open conversation, shared experiences and peeling away some of the stress, anxiety or discomfort.

Let's create as we go and experience a range ways to express and feel OK during this time. It will provide you with the time and opportunity, to capture and express your feelings, and discover something in you, to support you at this time.

Note: Personal sessions can also be provided by visiting the shop or clicking here and making a booking there

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