We started this week’s poetry, with a question: Are you comfortable? Here’s the chat that followed, and below are 3 poems that lead us into a wonderful ripple of perspectives…
On this cold night, Nigel decided to experience the discomfort of the cold… outside, short sleeved, cold night.
We do seek comfort? What is that? Sometimes a memory of relationship or something can bring comfort…Â
it can bring something that we can’t currently find… Sometimes it helps us to know what that comfort is and what that was…Â
We look for comfort now for the future, and yet it can be from the past…Â
Wee could go back to the pain or go to comfortable feelings it brought. Even your memories could be glass half full or glass half empty.Â
 A smell can bring comfort, of a memory… a place to savour, that is brought to a current moment.Â
Even something that didn’t happen as we fully hoped – it was just a moment, and in that way it brought comfort.Â
Perhaps it is just moments to appreciate…Â Memories come out when needed to bring comfort… they lie in a cocoon…
Often we don’t recognise them or there to access at any time….  We can do more with the moments fo the past that were beautiful… spending too much time planning the future…Â
A private space just for you…Â where satisfaction can reside…Nowadays the system wants us to be consuming / consumers, looking for the new, what’s next…Â
Change for change sake is part of the system…Â
If you stand outside the norm, which is the truth… not many people are up to listen… it might be against the trend…Â
The past, the merit from the past… We often don’t take the time. This may be linked to history and not appreciating the elders, the stories that hold the richness of knowledge and wisdom…Â
People say busy minds… the distraction. If you’re not comfortable with yourself, That can feel challenging and uncomfortable.
“When I  feel comfortable I feel nurtured; Warm, soft, calm, safe”Â
Nigel stayed relaxed in the cold, and his body adjusted to the cold… and he was able to focus on what he truly felt.
The cold doesn’t feel as painful… No goose bumps… now that says something!Â
For some people, comfort would be no pain… “Actually a break from some pain would bring some comfort…”
“Knitting brings me comfort… it’s therapy. It takes me away from my problems… “
Without pain… I feel more comfortable…
“I feel comfort in myself… when I don’t have to answer to anyone… I do more as I feel and how I like things to be… freedom brings me comfort… “
“When I’m home I feel safe, because as you get older, you may be taken advantage when you look vulnerable out.”
At home… a place that…  That’s next week’s topic…Â
An Ode to Comfort…
An advert once said
‘Softness is a thing called comfort’
Is that true for you?
What is comfort?
Is it what you live in?
Sit in?
Lay in?
Is it what you drive
Do for a living?
Is it importance
When we come down to it
In a heart-based world
Maybe it is how you feel, who you help
Who you are with
Comfort even when you are on your own
With your self
your inner-self
Heart, mind, body, soul
When you find comfort there
It can then be everywhere
A love lost is my comfort
It gives me pause when
I’m down.
Allowing me to relive
and give sound,
To my mixed emotions,
I’ve never lost.
The sense of longing,
In my heart it cost.
A feeling, a belonging,
of a special kind,
which I miss.
I know full well,
I can find this bliss,
by wrapping my loss,
in a cocoon.
Unravelling it when
I feel the gloom.
The shadow,
of comfort rises,
It casts no surprises.
Providing me with,
a warm blanket of peace.
Oh, such a fulfilling feast.
This person in my arms
To hold and touch once more
I still feel in my core,
The profound comfort,
Letting life troubles fall away
and live,
In small moments,
of unfrozen time,
which my memories give.
To dream, to embrace,
the could have been.
Accepting it is something,
I can’t redeem.
Like the leaves that,
in winter fall,
To allow the trees,
to survive the cold.
Regrowth can unfold,
and blossom once again.
So too, when,
I’ve lost my way.
A love lost,
is my comfort.
PJRÂ Â Â 28.05.2021
Mothers and babies
Eyes connecting
Souls unite
Love, injecting
Smells inviting
Touch uniting
The peace of knowing
The art of growing
Safety as comfort
Clouds soft and white
Safety as Discomfort
A powerful fright
The Comfort of care
The comfort of dare
The balance we share
Yet Are we aware
Now home alone
My how I’ve grown
To be alright
In the dark of night
With peace in the breath
And No fear of death
The rhythm of life
Feels all so nice
The comfort of the sea
Can appease
Then there’s the trees,
the birds and bees
The sound from above
The vibration of love
The earth deep below
frolicking to and fro
So come (to my) fort
I’ll show you the way
Tear down the wall
And live life and play