Fit for Life
What are you doing to stay fit for life, to do the things you love? No matter what age or stage of life you are in, when you give your body the exercise that works for it, your function improves!
What are you doing to stay fit for life, to do the things you love? No matter what age or stage of life you are in, when you give your body the exercise that works for it, your function improves!
It can take a small change in one aspect of your lifestyle, to have a ripple effect on the whole of your life. Sleep is one of those areas. Where are you at with your sleep? Is it something you would like to improve?
Sleep, how is it for you? Read Post »
In the small things that surround us everyday, there are opportunities to find the gems, the small things that can light us up to feel something positive and improve us.
What sounds are you listening to? Read Post »
Getting to now, I realise the importance of keeping physically strong for life. It’s important to know that around 30 years of age, you begin to lose muscle mass (about 5% per year)
Muscle Mass – a little and often approach Read Post »
Is there something you tell yourself that stops you from doing things that might actually help and improve your health and well-being in some way?
What’s stopping you? Read Post »