‘Surprise’ – it was no surprise that this word, used frequently in our language, brought much variation with the direction of the poems this week.
For some a ‘surprise’ can be an uplifting experience while in another situations, it can feel quite the opposite.
How do you feel about surprises? When is it welcome, when is it not?
As we delve into each word, we are certainly taking ourselves in to places we may not otherwise express about or share.
There’s certainly something powerful about this type of expression, and plenty to learn about yourself, when read your expressions out loud.
We hope you enjoy our poems this week.
Feel free to comment or pass on for others to experience these short journeys.
The word for our next session is ‘tea-bags’
We will be resuming our sessions on Monday 9th January 2023.
We hope to see you there.

There is no surprise
My past is impacting
On my current disguise
Creating doubts in my mind
Of the decisions I have made
As the years have passed me by
Unpacking sights and sounds
Places spaces faces
Smiles tears fears
Mistakes recollections
Ignorance bias discriminations
Naïve vulnerable promiscuous
Lies misdirection’s manipulations
There is no surprise
My past is impacting
On my current disguise
Love laughter exhilaration
Achievement self-improvement
Recognition proud inspiration
Confidence fulfilling aspirations
Dreams realized satisfactions
Creates doubts in my mind
Of decisions I have made
My behaviors rise and fall
Questioning my indiscretions
Broken promises imply
Emotionally I have lied
Hearts feelings ruptured
Fed by self-corruption
There is no surprise
My past is impacting
On my current disguise
PJRÂ Â Â Â 19.12.2022

The joy was in her eyes
You could see it was a surprise
How time flies
Once upon a time
A wind-up ballet dancer with a chime
Or a Barbie would be prime
Later there would be glory
In making up a story
While she fell asleep with Tori
Then there was Snuffles
Followed accidentally by Truffles
– Her guinea pigs with ruffles
Through all her years
There was excitement and tears
For everything, anything, no fears
I love her emotion
She fully and truly expresses with commotion
With it all, she brings her energy of the ocean
So, now it is a job
A real passion , not to rob
Not getting it, she will no doubt sob
No matter what
She will give it a shot
Without getting in a knot
For everything that happens is a surprise
Which often brings her smiles and cries
There is no disguise
Of her loving heart, caring; she is also wise
Whatever is guided from the universe above
She will always have my love xc(NRS)

It was while on a walk in the Illawarra
That the glowing millipede appeared
It wasn’t what Scott Kemp was looking for
A glowing scorpion was the draw
It was while at the tattoo artist
That the tip was shared
‘Those scorpions are out there’
Try again if you dare
With neon lights his passion
Scott was keen to pursue
So out bushwalking again
Into the night he flew
Yet again with a black light
Further out he ventured
annoyed again that it was millipedes
instead of the scorpions that ascended
But little did he know
That their bright blue glow
Was a significant find
For a millipede of that kind
For bioluminescent millipedes
Had never been shown
To exist in Australia
Only California was known
While out that night
Scott met up with David Finlay
A photographer with a passion
What a delight he did say
It was such a surpriseÂ
These bright blue millipedesÂ
A native species of this land
Became a discovery so grand
Now this wonderful phenomenon
Caused by
Symbiotic bioluminescent bacteriaÂ
Can now be protectedÂ
Not damaged or affected