Placate- poetic expression

It was great to use a word that has not been part of my every day vernacular. While not a common word, its meaning led to many expressions, many of which felt very relevant to life today.

We hope you enjoy the places this word took us and the expressions that arrived.

Next week’s word is ‘absent’. You can just drop in and enjoy or if you’d like to write a poem, you can use the contact form for the first time. Visit the events calendar on this site, for the zoom link to join us.

Hope to see you there


Placate ignorance with respect
Opinions can float on murky waters
Placate bias with understanding
Who knows they might be right
Placate hate with empathy
They might not have considered
This is what they cannot face
Placate ethnic aversion
With an open mind
They might have been in an attack
That has caused them pain and panic
Placate anger with doubt
Each of us reacts internally
So listen to their story
With an open heart
Placate those seeking revenge
Your logic doesn’t always work
When their thoughts are colored
With unresolved consequence
Placate those who blame others
For they are suffering in the now
You have no answers
As it is they who need to acquire
Their own inner peace
Be sure when you placate
Someone else’s inner conflict
You don’t add another layer
That cements their beliefs
Tread carefully be still
Never try to placate the doubt
That steps quietly insidiously
Behind each and every one of us
Placate yourself with a mental hug
A gentle reminder of your worth
Expect there will be times
Where you will seek solace from others
To share in your worst heartaches
Give thanks to their ability
To placate these times of misery
That will occur in your history.
PJR    20.01.2025

Not a Clue

What a disgusting mess he cried!
That filthy blanket, newspapers askew
A box of matches struin around
An empty wine bottle on it’s side
Long gone are the days
When there was pride
In the dark trying to hide
In an alcove, away from the world

You saw a girl there yesterday
Didn’t realise I was there , did you?
Dirt under her fingernails
Should have given a clue
Did you observe in your anger
The dread and sadness in her eyes
Or have a notion of her demise
The loneliness she must feel
Or anything that might seem real

Trying to placate such anger
A blank look was all I could detect
Hoping he calms to reflect
Next day a thick, clean rug to be seen
A learning curve of what life could mean

CCon 20/1/25

There’s More To It…

It’s common to feel…
irate when others placate
forlorn when torn
teary when weary 
cross with loss 
despair seeing no hope  of repair


No matter what I feel 
there is another real
there is Love all around 
though I may not hear its sound 

It walks side by side 
with what my mind tries to hide 
despite the stories, drama and woes 
love still glows and shows

In the memories of the lost
those I miss the most 
in the gentle breezes 
that comforts and pleases

In the exquisite design 
of nature sublime 
and the simple breath 
that holds off my death
So in the face of unrest
it’s my quest 

to feel my hearts cheer 
cos it is sprinkled very near
and offers resolve for some
of my deep inner fears…

TLaB 20/1/25

Time for change…

I want to learn
To know why you did what you did
I don’t want you to placate
And cover
The real reason you said what you said

Don’t try and be nice
That is not suffice
I want to stop it from happening again
To delve into where I usually don’t go
I no longer want the false show
That others know

I want to understand why
I don’t want to try
To accept the hurt
And be confused when you spurt
Pleasantries and cover up the way
You play

Ok here I go…
I’m swirling against this flow
TLaB 20/1/25

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