Stellar- poetic expression

This word has been applied to many things. Where does stellar take you? What in your eyes upholds the stellar status?

A word that took us to many places. We hope you enjoy the places we traveled and the expressions that arrived.

Next week’s word is ‘placate’. You can just drop in and enjoy or if you’d like to write a poem, you can use the contact form for the first time. Visit the events calendar on this site, for the zoom link to join us.

Hope to see you there


the light
we see
that stars emit
as it crosses across
an expanse of space
to reach our star
Earths own sun
this is known
as interstellar space
a feat that is a treat
a stellar performance
an act of our night
that is hard to beat
PJR    13.01.2025

My Moment

I have the best pet in the world
Not a dog, not a cat
Nor a Guinea pig or a rat
He has such unique qualities
No doubt about that
He winks, he blinks
Has an engaging smile
Friends are invited to peek for awhile
As I lift the roof off Albert’s house
Everyone is as quiet as a mouse
They can’t believe what they see
Meet Albert the snail 🐌
So cute as can be
He disappears, reappears
Winks with a smile like no other
Twirls around with such skill
What a stellar performance

CCon 13/1/25

That dance…

I noticed her poise
as she graced the makeshift stage
which was more like a clearing
(that I found so endearing)
She glided with a sense of assurance
about the gift she possessed 

With a calm confidence
she began to share the history behind the dance
Each move a symbol
that told a poetic story
with an ancient and significant message
I could see how her whole body
interacted with the planes, angles and spaces around her
and captured a multitude of expressions
Intricate finger, hand and arm positions
with timely head inclinations, tilts and turns to follow 

Legs and body swimming through the ocean of air
with graceful buoyancy 

Facial shifts that showed natural emotions felt
at each point of her journey 

It was a moment to appreciate
the wisdom and beauty of cultural dance 
passed down through generations 

I felt in awe 
It was a stellar moment
Thank you Suranya…
TLaB 13/1/25

A Stellar Piece in My Collection

I may never be a stellar poet
Especially in English poems
But I still write
The last month was challenging
To write a poem for my show
I could have accepted the suggested lines from my mentor
Saving time
But that would be cheating
Stubbornness rejected that shortcut

Asking friends
To find out the essence of a good poem
Staying open to suggestions
To dig into my emotions further
Images intimacy and less explanatory
Rewriting and reading it out loud
Day after day

Best version so far
A comment from my mentor
Comparing my latest draft to the first version
Clearly, I see my growth

A sweet flower blooms inside
From the beauty of crafting
Thank you for taking your time
Now I have a stellar piece in my collection

XQZ 13/1/2025

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