Our Coast Our Mission

Despite it being cold, wet and windy, it was great to see a good turn out of people supporting the cause.

‘Our Coast Our Mission’ is a non for profit organisation, passionate about coastal clean-ups.

They provide the community with an opportunity to do a small yet significant role in cleaning our South Australian Coastline.

So that’s what we did.

In our own backyard, we had the chance to do something small to make a difference.

‘Our Coast Our Mission’, partnered with ‘Adopt a Spot Scheme’ another organisation with a great mission.

They seek volunteers to adopt a patch of coast to take responsibility for in ongoing and regular cleanups as part of a bigger cause – to research what happens on a regular basis along the coastal areas.

It was great that a sustainability and waste education representative from the Onkaparinga Council took part in the clean.

We love what this represents as we share a similar approach: small opportunities to drop in and do things when possible to contribute to real hands on and meaningful activities for the better of our community.

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