Another wonderful year bringing together people from near and far. The amazing contributions. So many squares! Even from WA, QLD, TAS and VIC and NSW. And so many donations to those in need in the community.
2024 Summary
This year once again reflected an amazing effort from so many. We thought we’d share a little about what some hubs and others we collaborate with, have been up to.
- 2024 overall KACS directly donated 654 (+ not included in this tally; Knit for Charities over 100, TB an extra 124 pram blankets, Bribie Island 25, plus many more not recorded)
Some of the beautiful blankets made

How these blankets come together
Thank you
Knitting squares: To all the people who have knitted or crocheted squares. To the individuals and the groups! Too many to mention you all. A few though, Pasadena Village Knitting group, Knit Wits, Karidis Craft Group.
Sewing in ends: Making the joiner’s job easier! Thank you everyone! Just to name a few, Janene, Di, Chrissie
Kit designers: So many of you make squares and design your own. Others work with the squares received. Just to name a few; Margaret, Gloria, Titia, Jill
Joiners: To so many who are taking on this role, thank you! Where a simple square becomes a beautiful blanket. To the new joiners thank you. Too many to name, but to name a few; Gwen, Meredith, Carol, Judy, Audrey, Janene, Talma, Linda, Mignon, Janine, Dragica, Elise, Di, Donna, Dianna, Sue Edom… If you’d like to become a joiner, let us know here.
Blanket Edgers: Some take on the role of crocheting a beautiful border. Thank you
Wool donations: So many people donate wool they may choose not to use anymore. Thank you for generously sharing.
Heart Makers: Many of you crochet your own hearts to place on the blankets. Thank you. And many of you receive the heart that Kathy Bryker has produced (in droves! Thank you). If you want to learn how to make hearts, visit here.
Blanket ties: We know many also produce their own, thank you. Then there are those who donate a heap with their square drop off. Then there are people like Sarah and Kathy who make heaps and keep us going.
Drop off spots: to all the businesses, homes and other locations, who have offered their locations. You have made the process possible. Many thanks. If you want to know about these spots, visit here.
Pick ups: To the many people who offer to pick up from locations, either drop off spots, or homes, carparks, or other places to make it all flow! To name a few; Meredith, Gloria, Kay, Linda, Sarah, Maggie
Online Zoom: To Audrey and Chris who have volunteered their time to be part of the zoom offering. It has been an on / off approach, when needed / if needed. Thank you. If you’d like to attend zoom, let us know, here.
New hubs / hosts: To people who have opened up their homes, or worked from community locations. Those of you who have gathered people in ‘real life’. It is a lovely way to share this. To name a few: Gwen, Sarah, Baptist Church St Marys,
Swipe cards: To everyone using their drakes community tag, raising funds for KACS!!! With the funds raised, we purchase the blue joining wool that we add to the kits for joiners. We aim in most instances to purchase our signature blue colour that seems to compliment most blankets – if available or suitable. If you would like a Drakes Community Swipe Care, and don’t currently have one, contact us here.

Where the blankets were donated
The blankets went to range of organisations including;
Treasure Boxes, Salvation Army, Veterans Association, Foodbank, Terra Firma, Scotts Church, St Vincent De Paul, CHATS, Food on the Table, Puddle Jumpers, Pathways, Mt Barker Memorial Hospital The Big Issue, RUFuS, Baptist Care, Marion Life, AKWAK, Wrap with Love, Piplajara, APY Lands and Arnhem Lands, Aged Care in Alice Springs, Veterans Association, directly to rough sleepers around Adelaide.
We’d love to hear from you…
Thank you to each and every one of you, what ever role you have played. You have read our summary, however we would love YOU to share a little about how you have been involved, and what it has brought for you.
You can actually make a comment on this site (it is a safe, secure and ad free site). To do that you just need to sign up to our free community membership here (signing up is only to give you the opportunity to make comments on this or any other post).
While we do photograph every blanket on our Facebook page, we know that some people are not on Facebook, so we hope this is a way to include and share from more people.
Memorable moments
Some memorable moments throughout the year included;
Joy from Cumberland Park Community Centre (CPCC) story about the children at Westbourne Park Primary School donating wool to the craft ladies, who in turn made squares and blankets. A joint program with ECH, Mitcham Council and the schools. The children are wanting to be more involved next year.
Kym from Roma Mitchell School engaged a project that had their students (with the help of teachers and parents), learn to knit and crochet and produce their own squares! They have yet to be joined into blankets, but I hear Gloria has passed them on to Meredith, and we hope to see the fruits of their effort soon!
We continued our contribution and support to AKWAK in SA and QLD. It was lovely to see they were passed on to children affected by war. AKWAK pass on other items as well and do an amazing job with what they do. Well done Liz and Co. for what you achieved in 2024.
So often we donate to people directly on the street. This year one special moment was through Gwen noticing a rough sleeper, and forwarding it on to him. It was very appreciated.

Our History
Over the years (2017-2024) we have grown and changed. We now have hubs that kit, join and pass on directly.
- 2024 directly donated 654 and involved with another 124 pram rugs TB, over 100 with Knit and Natters, 25 Bribie Island, ERCC 16)
- 2023 we donated 747 (plus Knit for Charities completed 113 single bed blankets!)
- 2022 we donated 715
- 2021 we donated 541
- 2020 we donated 475
- 2019 we donated 332
- 2018 we donated 43
- 2017 we donated 17
We will be continuing to support all our local community organisations, as well as others as the need arises. We also hope to run a ‘Darn and Yarn’ to once again get everyone together who can meet in person, to share stories and get to know more about KACS.

We look forward to continuing to create more beautiful blankets, and stay connected with you all.
All the best from Tricia, Kay, Gloria and all the KACS community
and from Real Time Heart-Based