Inanimate objects, what am I? (Poetic Expressions)

Inanimate objects (poetic expression)

It’s been eye opening to see how expressing through different lenses, builds deeper  feelings for something previously difficult to understand. Writing from views we would never normally explore.
When inanimate objects became the topic, it led people to imagine and explore different perspectives, which is actually vital for our capacity to connect with others and bring compassion, kindness and empathy.
Through these objects we can often recognise our own feelings about things we may not otherwise have considered. Just like this 35 year old decoration which had a story and brought lots of fun! And the expression from a pianola when it no longer had use, and the pain that brought.
So how would the inanimate objects that surround you, in your home or else where, be feeling or seeing the world? It may be a great exercise to open your mind and expand your views. Hope you enjoy the ‘voices’ from these inanimate objects.


I came off the retail floor
Placed in the back of a 4×4.
Attached to the bathroom wall
I get to notice not much at all.

All I see is what’s in front of me.
No up or down,
No side to side,
I can’t even see behind.

You enter from my right side,
To you I’m on your left side.
Sometimes you don’t stop,
At other times you look nonstop.

This is the moment I watch,
How your eyes focus on a spot.
You lean forward for a closer look,
Adding another chapter to my book.

Where every side glance is a chance,
For me to see your face do it’s dance.
I get to see you smile and cry.
I’m a witness as your moods fly by.

Hands and fingers caress and rub,
Defoliate, moisturise, a facial scrub,
Teeth cleaned and picked,
Lips inspected and licked.

A brush, a comb for your hair,
A wand, a product to give it flair.
Adding another chapter in my book.

I can’t hear you,
I can only see you.
I’m a silent witness,
I keep my distance.

As you turn to leave me,
A reflection in the mirror is all you see.
So until I see you looking at you again
Know I’m here to be your friend

PJR    13.12.2021

My friend

I love being there for her,
She picks me up and I feel her emotions
It’s in the way she holds me
Sometimes we flow easily
I love it when that happens

It’s smooth and consistent
I feel her joy
Where it’s coming from
Somewhere deep within her

Her tears and fears
Flow through me
Such a delight
One year words arrived from morning til night

There are many times,
When my words
Are not right
There’s confusion
And I’m removed

I remember when it was only me…
Until something else came to be…

Of late, I’ve noticed the tapping device,
I feel sad, is it really suffice?
Yet she chooses it often
I feel disappointed
What changed?
I wonder?

I wonder if it takes her
Down deep below?

While our relationship is not the same
I love it when she comes back again

And holds me close
I feel
I notice
The soft pressure, the dreams
The terse, the release

It’s the grip
That unzips
The neural connection
To the inner perfection

For now alas,
I have joined my colourful friends
In a drawing game
I’m just happy she gets to hold me again.

TLab 13th Dec ’21

Inanimate Object

No one can live without me
I take pride of place
Also take a beating,
Should be shown some respect

Amazing what I see and hear
I’m in a happy space
Hustle and bustle at times,
I rise to any occasion

A busy week in the household
I’m quite useful after all
In need of some attention,
Don’t even get a mention

My door is aching
In need of a rest
The crisper has an odour,
Here is mother with her magic

It must be spring
Breathe again, start again,
Shining in the room

CCon 13th Dec ‘21

Inanimate Objects

It does not want to start
It won’t open
It won’t let me …
It is stuck
It is flat

Thank you for getting us home
What would I do without you?
She’ll be right

We describe many objects
As though they have a will
When things do or do not work
Or when they are too still

Why do we feel a connection
To the things we use all day
We sometime even pat or stroke
To express to them in some way

It is as though they can hear us
And respond to our pleas
We even often thank them
For meeting or exceeding our needs

So to all you inanimate objects
Whatever you may be bring
It seems that you are more to us
Than mere material things

NRS 13th Dec ’21

Is that right?


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