Our word this week: hot.
We are in winter here, so perhaps the want for the warmer weather inspired this word.
It was interesting the many places this word took us. Hot flushing cheeks, hot chillie peppers, hot uncomfortable summer.
Where does this word take you? Where does it lead? Once again another opportunity to notice where you sit with things.
If you would like to explore you, and the world around you in this way, you are most welcome to join us. Or pass it on to someone who you feel may enjoy and gain from this approach.
Next week’s word is ‘omen’.
Hope to see you there.
We are in winter here, so perhaps the want for the warmer weather inspired this word.
It was interesting the many places this word took us. Hot flushing cheeks, hot chillie peppers, hot uncomfortable summer.
Where does this word take you? Where does it lead? Once again another opportunity to notice where you sit with things.
If you would like to explore you, and the world around you in this way, you are most welcome to join us. Or pass it on to someone who you feel may enjoy and gain from this approach.
Next week’s word is ‘omen’.
Hope to see you there.

Hot to Trot
The competitions have begun
So many athletes have come
Some behave in quirky ways
They send a message of their hype:
I’m so hot
When I see my reflection
I swoon at my perfection
Hot to trot no matter where I go
Fans stare a lot
Then the commentators
Add weight with their views
Clichés flow free a lot
Their comments a lot of rot:
“They are having a red hot crack
It’s not cockiness its confidence
They are too hot to drop it now
Following the dream with courage
We actually canned them
Forever an Australian legend
Run the house down for their age
It’s a race for the ages
The toast of the world
Right in there with a chance”
I have no option except to mute the sound
That’s better no more drivel
For me to consider
No longer am I hot under my collar
PJR 5.08.2024

How to Define a Hot Person
I used to think if you have an outstanding physical appearance
You are hot
But these days
My view has changed
When you are passionate about something
For example
When you are so focused and lost yourself singing on the stage
That was way more charming and attractive
When you are so comfortable about being yourself
Laugh, dance or making jokes spontaneously
And so in tune with your own body’s rhythm
That was also hot
So hot to me now
Is when I can see your unique lights shining from your heart and soul
XQZ 05.08.2024

Red Hot Chillie Pepper
Little did I know
the power of that
Little red chillie
Minced and scattered
Over my noodles
One bite
No longer a delight
Much too hot to eat
So disappointed
5th August July 2024
the power of that
Little red chillie
Minced and scattered
Over my noodles
One bite
No longer a delight
Much too hot to eat
So disappointed
5th August July 2024

Missing my Summer Vacation in China
I do miss the hot weather in China
Especially my summer vocation at school
At grandparent’s house
That has my go to indoor activity
Watching my favourite TV show with my cousin
Don’t need to worry about the screen time
Feeling the cool breeze from the air conditioner
And holding half of a watermelon from the fridge
One spoon at a time
Juicy and sweet
Shortly, it touched the green bottom
I couldn’t believe
I don’t know if I really miss the summer vacation
Or the pure joy of my childhood
XQZ 05.08.2024
Am I Hot Water?
My friend once told me I were like hot water
Always so enthusiastic towards everyone around
Well, that’s not 100% true
That’s the starting point
Because I chose to be kind to every single stranger
But after we got to know each other
The temperature would fluctuate
If you disappointed me
The water would cool down
When it became zero
I would leave
Life is short
I only want to give my precious time to the people I like
Who deserves my time and heart
XQZ 05.08.2024