Omen – poetic expression

Our word this week: omen.
Definition: an event regarded as a portent of good or evil. If something is an omen, you think it is likely to happen in the future – whether it is good or bad.
Where do you sit with ‘omens’?
It gave us an opportunity to explore and express our feelings about such things.
Where does it lead you? What would you like to express about it?

These sessions bring an opportunity to explore and practice your expression in formats that you feel to engage.
If this is something you’d like to engage, you are most welcome to join us. Or pass it on to someone who you feel may enjoy and gain from this approach.

Next week’s word is ‘solitude’.

Hope to see you there.

River Omen

In the land named Conclusion
The River Omen causes confusion
When you dive underneath its surface
Beware it can rob you of your sense of purpose
Children at a very early age are given a warning
Any prediction can be menacing or rewarding
PJR       12.08.2024


Omen in China

Did you know if you hear a magpie
That means something good is about to happen
If it’s a crow
Then some bad things are on the way
Did you know
When a cat visits your house
That means you will be losing money
While if a dog appears at your doorstep
You are going to live a wealthy life
The same luck comes when you feel your left eye twitching
But if it’s on your right side
You need to be extra careful
Those are some examples passed down from generation to generation in China
Growing up I’ve always felt it interesting to test its truth
A lot of times it was just for fun
Because it added a mysterious flavour to my daily life
What about your culture?
Do you have anything similar?
I am curious to hear

XQZ    12.08.2024


We are just passing through

We look for answers 
And signs 
To guide us 
When we feel lost or
Unsure which way to go

the coincidence 
the unusual 
the miracle 

In reality 
every moment brings something to see 
birds, moths, feathers, songs, bees

field of wild grasses
the smell of freshness 

the feel of the breeze 
a gentle ease
the perfection of flowers
I could watch for hours

the unexpected owl
nestled in a tree 

“Why are you there? 
Is it a message for me?
I know you are wise 
or so they say 
so what words of wisdom
can you bring my way?”

And just like that 
my quiet voice replied 

Just notice in your day 
all that you face
and embrace it
without delay 

For you are the care taker
of your patch 
that in time you will handover
and never get it back

12th August 2024

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