Instant – poetic expression

Our word this week: instant.
In an instant, so much can happen. This word, drew out many things that arrive in an instant.
It highlighted the importance and value of adaptability when in such a moment, things change.

Where does this word take you? Where does it lead? Once again another opportunity to notice where you sit with things.

If you would like to explore you, and the world around you in this way, you are most welcome to join us. Or pass it on to someone who you feel may enjoy and gain from this approach.

Next week’s word is ‘hot’.

Hope to see you there.


              You without Your consent

                       PJR    29.07.2024


Can I Get There Instantly

We were chatting
10 minutes later
You told me you wrote a song
Singing it out while playing the piano smoothly
Notes just flew through your fingers like music fairies
How could you just do like that?
I wish you could see my impressive look
Because when I say I wrote a song
It would be vocal only
Did you know that is my dream
To be like you
Can I get there instantly? Please
I think I know the answer
Many people told me they wanted to be like me as well
Speaking both Chinese and English fluently
But only I know
How much efforts and passion it needed to get there
If I could do that
I believe I can achieve this too
Maybe this is the joy and magic of our life journey
If we make our mind
With the condition
I want to
And follow it through
We will get there
And it will never be too late
As long as we start
So I am in
Ready to roll
Would you like to be my buddy
Joining this fun ride

XQZ    29.07.2024


Holiday Contradictions

From the lush, green tones and the peaceful mist
of the calm and natural terrain 
To the manic commotion
of the island’s populated main strip
I felt the contrast 
 I noticed the mass of broken wires
from electricity poles 
I heard the creaking and cracking
before the snap and crash
I saw the sparks of currents, that made their way out
of the cables that once contained them 
I felt the thud through my body
my heart pounding, my breath constricting 
I was in fear
terrified of what next 
In an instant
I knew my life was in the balance 
Just like that… 

29th July 2024

Move On

It was just a trickle in the wall
And found it’s way across the floor
Not too much to look at
Oh boy, what an impact
That little sliver of water
It stayed, ready for the slaughter
My goodness, what a fuss
A room full of people to discuss
How has this progressed?
Where has it come from?
This little trickle of aqua
After much deliberation
A verdict became clear
We have found the source
Demolition the only course
Knock down the wall!
Uproot the floor!
This home will be no more
Such devastation in an instant
A new home will begin

29th July 2024

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