It was on ANZAC day that we came together with our expression about the word ‘blind’.
Some would see the connection between the two, while it wasn’t intended.
For our ANZAC soldiers landing at the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey, on that fateful day in 1915, in a way were ‘blind sided’ by the miscalculations in the planning, that lead many soldiers to their deaths.
On the ANZAC theme, we have also included a beautiful poem by Neil Andrew, ‘I spoke to you in whispers’ in remembrance of the horses who were also sacrificed.
Blind/s… amazing where it took us, and grateful we came together to express and share perspectives, stories and memories.
Where does it take you?
Next week’s word is ‘ghost’… I wonder where that will lead us?

each sense has its strengths
look upon your hand
and five senses
are represented
If you lose one of
the fingers on this hand
is it not still your hand?
I use all my senses collectively
the same way as you might
my lack of sight
has no bearing on my
sensory acuity for insight
one picture for you
might be worth more
than a thousand words
for me a thousand words
brings me clarity and delight
my perception of the world
is filtered without my sight
think on this awhile
What sounds do you see?
What colours do you see
when that soft gentle
wind carries the suns
warmth upon your skin?
Can you see the sound
of a mosquito on a
dark moonless night?
Or locate without
your eyes the distance
to a dripping kitchen tap?
it’s true I can’t see
my shadow; yet
I hear it does exist
for me “seeing is
believing” is mute
Do I need to see the bee
to know that I’ve been stung?
I can imagine situations
like you through my
self-talk called thoughts
I’m just as capable as
you to misjudge in
communicating my
emotions and feelings
my first person experiences
are as subjective as
they are for you
my life without light in
no way limits my foresight
I perceive the word saw or see
and use it differently
so to answer this question
What sounds do you see?
What will your answer be?
PJR 25.04.2022
There are people who are blind and cannot see,
Also, people turn a blind eye not wanting to see.
Blinds are made for windows and doors
Fitting from ceiling to floor.
Blinds made for patios keeping out the sun,
To protect us from the outside elements which is no fun.
Furry friends become blind as they grow old
Looking for us to protect them into our fold.
I hope I’ll never go blind and not able to see,
I’ll count myself fortunate and that’s me.
LMol 25th April 2022
I spoke to you in whispers
As shells made the ground beneath us quake
We both trembled in that crater
A toxic muddy bloody lake
I spoke to you and pulled your ears
To try and quell your fearful eye
As bullets whizzed through the raindrops
And we watched the men around us die
I spoke to you in stable tones
A quiet tranquil voice
At least I volunteered to fight
You didn’t get to make the choice
I spoke to you of old times
Perhaps you went before the plough
And pulled the haycart from the meadow
Far from where we’re dying now
I spoke to you of grooming
Of when the ploughman made you shine
Not the shrapnel wounds and bleeding flanks
Mane filled with mud and wire and grime
I spoke to you of courage
As gas filled the Flanders air
Watched you struggle in the mud
Harness acting like a snare
I spoke to you of peaceful fields
Grazing beneath a setting sun
Time to rest your torn and tired body
Your working day is done
I spoke to you of promises
If from this maelstrom I survive
By pen and prose and poetry
I’ll keep your sacrifice alive
I spoke to you of legacy
For when this hellish time is through
All those who hauled or charged or carried
Will be regarded heroes too
I spoke to you in dulcet tones
Your eye told me you understood
As I squeezed my trigger to bring you peace
The the only way I could
And I spoke to you in whispers……

We can go down blind alleys
In pursuit of our own interests
The military can blind us with science
When robbing our budget blind
When we are in a bind
We are often flying blind
How is it that FOFB
Is more important than FOMO?
Sometimes we cannot see
When the answer is right in front of us
Or we express our outrage
By liking a post or advert on a bus
How do we stand by
When others are suffering
Is blindness literally seeing
Or feeling what others are feeling?
In elections do we vote
For parties that will care
Or for those that promise to suit
our interests more than be fair?
People in Ukraine are being bombed and killed as we speak
Our Government sends arms and political rhetoric
We shout at China for domestic vote gain
Whilst keeping people out and not feeling the pain
The UN is stymied from action
By the permanent fives
Each can veto any action
That might save lives
This imbalance was designed in
To make some more powerful than others
If only we realised
That each individual has powers
To live, to create,
To contribute, to relate
To express, not dictate
To free, not negate
To disarm, not detonate
To love, not hate
To lift, not deflate
To act, not wait,
To highlight, not negate
To be true, not conflate
To enliven, not sedate
To breathe freely, not be controlled by the state
To work together and innovate
To encourage and motivate
To care and elate
May be we can see the power of one
That is the power in each one of us
To truly be all of who we are
In all our moments and situations
So we are no longer blind
So we truly see what is happening and what we can do.(NRS)