
Birth… an arrival. Many memories and stories told about the nature of the arrival / birth of those close to us. And of course there is the arrival, the ‘birth’ of things new…
Within our own lives, within our selves and the things around us, new things are born each day.
What does ‘birth’ conjure for you? Where does it take you and how would you express that?
We hope you enjoy the read, and perhaps express your own feelings about the word ‘birth’.
Feel free to join in on our expression session. Next week’s word is ‘blind’.
come onÂ
give it one
 last push
that’s it keep
 it going
I can see
it Mum
a light
at the end
of this tunnel
you beautyÂ
I’m so close
that’s it
breathe, one, two,Â
on the third
push Mum
here I am
someone betterÂ
get ready to
catch me.
wow what
a journey
no wonder it
took all of
nine months
not sure
about this
coming out
head first
so what’s
this place?
hey, whoa
no more of
 this slapping
yeah, you gotÂ
me screaming
well done,Â
no more Doc
or I’ll citeÂ
you forÂ
child abuse
come onÂ
where is it?
no more playing
around nurse
I need my fix
stop with allÂ
this swaddling
this little man
needs a drink
Ah, the sweet
taste at last
now that wasÂ
worth the wait
who’s this moron
blubbering away?
don’t tell me
 that’s my dad.
toughen upÂ
big boyÂ
there’s worseÂ
to come
this is justÂ
the birth
wait until IÂ
turn two
you’ll regret
what you andÂ
mum got up to.
PJRÂ Â Â Â 18.04.2022