We travelled to Tasmania and loved exploring more of our beautiful planet.
While we were there, we felt a sense of the natural environment and the sentiment of people in the community.Â
It was lovely to meet new people and listen to their stories and their feelings about their lives and community.
It was interesting that a couple of people we met expressed how they felt they were ‘backward in Tasmania’ however we felt in was not an accurate expression at all.
We felt that in many instances they have progressed at a different rate, maintaining some traditional approaches, which somehow seemed to have a ‘slowing down’ effect on life itself.Â
One of the benefits of not being in the ‘fast lane’ is the chance to pause and see things you might not always see, and we know that can be helpful when looking to create a vision for the future.Â

With the beautiful national parks and wilderness, it seems the protection of their land is a priority.Â

We loved the Tasmanian address to country:
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of lutruwita (Tasmania)Aboriginal land, sea and waterways. We acknowledge, with deep respect the traditional owners of this land, the palawa people. Sovereignty has never been ceded. It always was and always will be, Aboriginal land.

We visited some people doing wonderful things. We met Dr Tracy Eddington MacKay from Burnie Community House – even when she was challenged with time, she recognised a short time to see us was possible. It led to an invite for the opening of an exhibition that involved the community and the sharing of their stories, and vision and hopes for the future.Â

We ran a Heart-Based Living session at the Burnie Library and it was lovely how the participants opened up, shared, and discussed the challenges and difficulties, and also the possibilities with Heart-Based Living.
They all agreed it is a practice.
If people choose the path to discover, it can lead to breaking old ways of doing.
While it can feel confronting in the first instance, in time, the practice brings more and more moments that feel empowering and freeing. We are all in this together… moving to healing and living life authentically and happily.Â

We also met Eva and Kathy from Knits Needles and Wool in Launceston. They have a shop in George St, and are now an allocated drop off spot for Knit a Care Square knitters in Tasmania. We have had many knitters in the past send their squares to Adelaide for our joiners to create beautiful blankets.Â
Now they have links to their wonderful knitting group and community members, who may like to take on the joining role. Passing the blankets on to organisations and individuals in the community who could do with some warmth and love.

We look forward to visit Tasmania again, and hope to share Heart Based Living to more libraries around Tasmania, and spread the word about alternative ways and benefits of a heart-based life.Â