Table – poetic expression

‘Table’ – where does the word take you? So many types of tables. An inanimate object, that has many uses, with lots going on in and around it.

It was lovely to hear the happenings around the tables. Lovely memories and realisations of the power of table and what happens around it.

Once again, a moment to take us somewhere we may not otherwise have ventured into. Some lovely realisations arrived, and it was lovely to hear the stories.

We hope you enjoy these expressions. Where does this topic take you?

Feel free to comment or pass on for others to experience these short journeys.

The next week’s word is ‘future’

Hope to see you there.


(Dedicated to Nicholas Daniels)

He sorts out the wooden type
And sets them in a random way
That makes no sense they’re back to front
A mirror of fonts and sizes to fill the space
Placed on table tops to fit just right
He sorts out the wooden type
Washing and cleaning the fading ink
Knowing what he has left is something
That makes no sense they’re back to front
There is no message in these blocks
Just a balance of size and shape.
He sorts out the wooden type
From faraway print shops now defunct,
No longer using this form of font
That makes no sense they’re back to front
An art form he has resurrected
When typesetting was wooden blocks
He sorts out the wooden type
That makes no sense they’re back to front PJR    25.09.2022

Around the table

She cooked a beautiful roast,
Balanced with all the colours,
Textures, smooth to crunch,
A wonderful gathering for lunch.

Rounding up the troops,
Like a battlefield,
Not a straight-line route,
Jumping hoop, a quick ‘shoot’

“Nani’s here to eat with us”
Thinking that might lessen the fuss,
And it did to some degree,
They finally arrive and sit with me.

From here we enjoyed 
Such deep conversation
Pokemons, Harry Potter
The Russian invasion. 

There was the battle of the greens,
Education on the benefit of beans
One minute laughs, then tears
Piercing my ears.

Rapid movement from 
One state to the next,
No time to feel perplexed.

Just rolling on
Enjoying the banter
Realising the power
Of this magical encounter.

Around the table
So much to gain
With food splattered everywhere
Nothing mundane.

How often do we gather
Now in such a way?
To share and express
And have our say? 

It was a beautiful reminder
Of what time around the table can bring
It really does make my heart sing… 



Table life

What I have got on this week? 
Dinner at 7pm
That should be good
People sit which is understood

Then there’s cards
That clears the top
To make space
For dealing and swap

The jigsaw is always a challenge
Gradually getting bigger
Across the surface no scavenge
As how the pieces are joined is figured 
There is celebration and high fives
and it stays there a while

Then there’s the meetings
With family and friends
Often with drinks and shouting
That feels like it never ends

The worst is to be forgotten
Not used and left to get dusty
The house quiet
and feeling crusty

When things are on top of me
And people are around
I feel wanted 
With my feet on the ground
With a head and legs also
I feel like my owners plus torso

To be a table
Makes me feel able
No need for a cable
Or a label
I look good
Naked or dressed
Use me
Feel impressed



Cards on the table

Family gathering, it’s been some years
A funeral no less, a sad occasion
REALLY! Why sad
Aunt Maud was a tyrant, we should be glad

She had a good life, spoilt to the hilt
Gave us a run for our money
Are we all here out of respect
Or some for the “bees and the honey”

Now hang on a minute 
She had many good points 
Always provided a decent spread on Sundays
And a nice cold ale to pass the day

Oh come on Bert, we knew the drill
Bowing down to her every whim
I remember the day she almost smiled
Few and far between

Well now Alfred, what would you know
You’ve hardly seen her since sixty-four
Never a word, never a letter
Let alone a knock on her door

Some gather here, profess to be dear
Sharing stories, what a crock
Bert was sweet on Maud
Alfred the jealous one

Maud was kind, caring and gentle
If only one could see
Laying your true cards on the table
Can show how real life can be

Now don’t be such a silly old goat
It’s your shout Alfred
Lay YOUR cards on the table 
Let’s drink to our Maud 

CCon 26/9/22

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