Voice – poetic expression

Voice. Such a powerful word for so many reasons.
What does your voice say? What would you like your voice to express? What voice do you hear or not hear?
So many paths we can travel when we explore the nature of the ‘voice’.
Where does the word take you?
If you would like to practice writing and arranging words, to better explore yourself and the world around you, we’d love you to join in with our discussions.

Next week’s word is ‘hate’ or ‘love’ or both!

Hope to see you there.

Our Voices

My voice like yours is so unique
A gift we share so we can speak
To use exclusively
To say so many
Extraordinary things
It tells, it yells
Laughs and sings
Explains and blames
Soft and loud
Screeches and preachers
Peaceful and angry
Passionate and commanding
Caring and forgiving
Simple and complying
Fearful and cheerful
Sarcastic yet delightful
Loving and supporting
Yet destructive with coldness
Monotone and melodious
We question and deny
Agree or lie
Stutter or lisp
Tenor or contralto
Baritone or alto
 This instrument we use
It informs or denies
So easily we abuse
When it’s so easy to use
Creating such wonderful sounds
This gift with which we speak
A pity that sometimes
We have to use silence
In order to exist
A power just as unique
PJR    28.10.2024

Grow Your Voice

What do you want?
I don’t know

Is it true?
You really don’t know?
At all?

Probably you do know
You are just embarrassed to admit
Because it does not fit the mainstream or your family’s standard
You don’t want to be seen as weird

Or probably you do
At least know what you do not want
That also counts
Because that helps you narrow down your options

Every one of us has a voice
Sitting inside us
But some of them can be a bit shy
Like the introverts
Like when we were kids
We needed to receive lots and lots of affirmation from others

Our inner voice is the same
She hopes to see that you value her existence
So, whenever you see her pop up her head
Remember, show your trust, love and encouragement
Because when she receives more and more attention from you
She will stretch out her legs and arms more and more
Eventually she will blossom
You will then hear her unique and beautiful singing to wherever you go
Whenever you really need direction and comfort.

XQZ 28/10/24

No Need to Hide

It’s not a lie
When I say I am busy… 
To you I may look idle 
To me I’m doing what matters

Quieting my mind 
Smelling the air 
Listening to nature 
Settling my breath 
Releasing tension 
Feeling the joy of life
Smiling inside
Seeking clarity

Noticing with awe 
The intricacies to explore
Rejoicing in
My honest silent voice
That no longer hides
What I need 
To seed the flourishing me
That is well and free 

How has it come to be 
That we so often
Pound dead ends
To follow trends 
That send us
Round the bend 
With no space 
And little grace 
As we race
Through this life 

TLaB 28/10/24

Agree or Disagree

Something of importance
Speak up, speak out
Don’t shy away
That won’t do
See it through
Voice your interaction
Volumes of satisfaction

CCon 28/10/24

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