‘Teabag’ – now who would have thought such a word could bring out so many themes. We hardly realised ourselves what would arrive.
It didn’t take long, to recognise all words can trigger and it was wonderful that we took the time to let the word ‘infuse’ and arrive at something. That something came in the form of memories of the past, stories that brought a message, poetry that informed and opened up feelings about life and events.
It shows the value of being open to go with things, and see where they end up. More and more now, we really do need to relax and let this happen. The gains can be amazing. We learn about ourselves, how we see the world, what we’d like to share with the world, and more.
So, if you were to write using the word ‘teabag’, where might it go for you?
We hope you enjoy our poems this week.
Feel free to comment or pass on for others to experience these short journeys.
The next week’s word is ‘thrill’
Hope to see you there.

I get squeezed dunked strangled
Dipped left to steep and draw
To provide a quenching drink
That millions of people enjoy
Now don’t be a mug
There’s other uses for me
Not only for a second glug
Dry me out set me aside
And you will surprised
How I can add to your lifestyle
Open me up and spread my leaves
Upon your carpets and smelly rugs
Before you vacuum or steam clean
And I’ll deodorize away that pong.
Let me cool off in the fridge
And you will be surprised
How good I can feel
When applied to your puffy eyes
The soothing relief will make you smile
Beats cucumber rinds by a mile.
Here’s another little trick
I have up my little sleeve
A great way to clean and shine
All your glass and mirrors grime
Just rub me on the surface
And paper towel them dry
You’ll be surprised by the shine.
Before you toss me away
Check to see if any plastic particles
Have been used in my production
I prefer myself and others
To return to the earth toxic free
And reduce the level of landfill
So future generations
Can sit back and relax
With a nice cup of tea.
PJRÂ Â Â Â 9.01.2023

Top thoroughbreds on the course,
Horses in the mounting yard
Excitement, the race of the day
The Loose Leaf Tea Handicap
At the barrier now, light is flashing
And they’re off and running
Milo has missed the start, recovered smartly
Settling as they approach the thousand metres
We have Coffee in the lead
Closely followed by Ovaltine
The local horse Teabag is next
Loose Leaf and Milo at the rear
The favourite Loose Leaf
Will have to get a riggle on
Milo has dropped to last in the field
Disappointment for the connections
As they round the bend down the straight
The field is shifting now, the crowd roars
Here comes Loose Leaf and Teabag
Flying from the rear
With 200 metres to go, Coffee still in front
Ovaltine has weakened
Loose Leaf and Teabag showing great form
The locals are going wild- go Teabag!
They hit the line its close, a photo is called
Silence as Loose Leaf is declared the winner
Wait, a protest is lodged, it’s been upheld!
Teabag in the winner’s circle prancing with pride
I leave the course, smiling quietly
What an exciting race
Arrive home, kettle on
Another winner for the day
CCon 9th Jan 2023

It’s that time of year again
So much stress and disdain
What to buy?
I want to cry
People everywhere
I just want to yell and swear
Why does it matter
A present to flatter?
I’d rather what’s kind
Not walking past blind
To what’s special you see
Like a nice cup of tea
So that’s just what I did
Rather than something to rid
I bought teabags instead
‘My favourite’ she said
‘You really do know me’
It was great to see!
The mix from tea2
Was her favourite brew
Simple delight
A beautiful sight
The true essence of giving
And way of living
Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year.
TLaB 9th Jan 2023