Darn and Yarn (Knit a Care Square)

Darn and Yarn (Knit a Care Square) 30 JuneJun 2023 13:30 - 30 JulyJul 2023 15:302 Chief Street,, Hindmarsh, Australia
Community Events

The afternoon, will start at 1:30 until 3:30pm, and we will have the opportunity to knit and share, and learn new skills if you’re keen. Some people have asked about learning the joining stitch, so we hope some joiners will use their skills to pass this on. We are happy to be running the event from Cafe Outside the Square, which is now at its new location; 2 Chief Street, Hindmarsh. There is car parking available and wheelchair access.

As we have done previously, we ask that where possible, you bring a pantry item, that will be passed on to those doing it tough. The cost, for the afternoon is $5 and you will receive a cuppa and afternoon tea. We look forward to seeing you all!

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2 Chief Street,, Hindmarsh, Australia


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Cafe Outside the Square

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