Shelter – poetic expression

So many ways to bring the word shelter into play, and many themes and discussions that arrived from what was conjured. A great word that could be used as a noun or a verb.

We will be bringing some more interesting words to the sessions, to continue expanding our expression and discovering more about how we see things, and what our imaginations and creativity can shape.

Next week’s word is ‘stellar’. You can use the contact form to send in your poem if this is the first time you attend. Visit the events calendar for the zoom link to join us.

Hope to see you there


My sense of belonging
Is reflected in the mirror
Of my memories
Within the shelter
So many have shared
I today celebrate
The life I have before me
No blame, no shame, no pain
Of who I should have been
The shelter that I have had
Has created my unbecoming
Where I can just be me
Love given in my shelter shed
Not denied, no denying, no doubt
There are those who I’ve never known
Who looked after me with their shelter
They will remain unknown
A gift I was unaware of
A precious present I never unwrapped
As the shelter was given out of love
By people I never met
Please forgive me if I never said thank you
Forgive me for my mistakes
Thank you, all of you
For the shelter you gave me
Your humanity lives within me.
PJR    04.01.2025

The Two of Us

It’s been a hectic day
Rounding up the sheep
Can’t wait to return home
Eat, curl up and get some sleep
As I stand tall in the back of the truck
This pocket of rain has just poured down
Who thought that pot hole
Would be there
I immediately went flying in the air
Out here on the road
I’ve hurt my paw!
As I limp along, ‘it ain’t half sore’
Dark and silent, feeling so alone
I hear the farmer call my name
He’s out here looking for me in the rain
Settled in the truck, beside my master
With deep affection
He strokes my dripping coat
We chug along towards the light
Aaah the shelter of home

CCon 6/1/25

That hug…

your arms around me
when I feel sad, scared
or just a little vulnerable

fills me…

with warmth 
like a thick coat for insulation
from an ice cold windy chill

fills me…

with comfort 
like a rain shelter
when caught by surprise in a ferocious storm 

fills me…

with relief 
like a shady oak tree
on a scorching hot summer’s day

fills me…
with joy 
like a warm patch of sun on my skin
as it breaks through dark clouds 

simple things
in a moment
is the magic
for me to notice
TLaB 6/1/25

Is it Just a Shelter?

I thought I would be different
Unlike most Chinese people
Saving money to buy a house

It’s just a shelter
Why care so much
I want to live in different countries
To experience the world
That would be so much more fun
I don’t want to get attached
But fate led me to own my first home

Then living alone
I can’t believe I started to love it
I can decorate the way I want

Leave the piano on this side of my living room
Paste cute reminders in front of my desk
Add a shelf so I can buy more kitchen appliances
Install a solar panel for environmental purposes
Get a comfy bed
Sleep is important

Also, I have more freedom
To lie down on a sofa whenever I want
To nap at any time without getting noise from my housemate
To sing and play music whenever I feel like it without worrying about bothering others

It’s not just a shelter to stay and sleep any more
It’s my secret garden, reflection wall and artmaking sacred space
Whenever I think of it
I feel a peaceful, free and nurturing energy wraps around me
Now I don’t want to move

Many things you won’t know until you experience it yourself

XQZ 6/1/2025

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