Robyn Palmer RTHB Community Facilitator


“I’m Robyn Palmer, a proud mum of three boys, wife to a very tolerant husband, Co Director of my own food safety and environmental consultancy business, Sustainability Officer in my son’s school, Living Smart Facilitator and Co Director of The Refresh Project.

I’m also a passionate volunteer grower for Trees for Life, run a community garden and I’m a member of the International Society of Sustainability Professionals.

My mission is to help others connect with nature and learn to live a sustainable life.

I believe I can help anyone of any age make positive changes; improving their own health, and the health of our planet.

I am blessed to be able to introduce you to The Refresh Project Go Green Challenge series through our weekly on line sessions. Each week I will choose one step from the 52 step challenge, covering topics such as gardening organic veggies, making your own safe natural cleaning and personal care products, energy saving tips, water saving tips and one of my favourites – connecting with nature and increasing biodiversity in your home and community.

I look forward to meeting you all as you join me on our Go Green Journey”

Thank you Robyn Palmer, for sharing your passion and knowledge.

Here is a link to the Refresh website


3 thoughts on “Robyn Palmer RTHB Community Facilitator”

  1. Hi there!
    A colleague put me on to your refresh project website. I have signed up, but have not received anything as yet. Has it not started yet or is there a tech issue maybe?

    1. Tricia La Bella

      Hi Sonja,
      thank you for connecting us. I have contacted Robyn, and once I get a response I’ll let you know about the refresh project on her website. Robyn is live on Tuesday mornings at 10am on our Real Time Community Projects and brings elements of the refresh project to each week. Are you able to drop in at that time? I’ll keep you posted. Regards Tricia

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