

Once again, the chance to discover what emerged from the topic… What a great way to explore the nature of rainbows, how they have been used, and the feelings they bring.
Even roving the streets of Adelaide, it was a surprise where and how rainbows emerged. From the photo above, Rainbow Walk, in Adelaide, brought memories from significant dates in Adelaide’s history. Somewhere to visit for many of us.
Beautiful expression once again, from all who attended, and we had some ‘firsts’ tonight… You know who you are!
A chance to share a little more about who we are, how we create our expression and bring out our words and feelings.
We heard about Terry’s tribute to Judy Garland, whose life was not filled with rainbows… very powerful.
For those who couldn’t attend, hope these rainbow poems and expression, light up your day…


I have no choice
I’m one of millions
of endless reflections.

I have no name,
no claim to fame
I exist in the moment.
Falling from my mother cloud
So many of us falling down.
I pass into a sunray
and I begin to glow,
now part of a rainbow.

The sight I see below
is a story you have see.
I’m only a single drop,
helping to create this fable,
proud in what I’ve enabled

The legend of the rainbow bridge,
where loved pets who have passed away,
Now wait in golden lush green pastures,
with all the food and water they will need.
The old and frail becoming young again,
under the constant warm spring weather.

They wait in turn
to feel again the pure joy
they will forever enjoy.
They will meet their master once more
and share their special bonds again
that special trust and love
which many call true love

PJR              9.08.2021

What is a Rainbow?

A rainbow can come and go
A touch, a gesture, a conversation.

How we see the colours
Can be wonderful and unique
The gift of satisfaction
Is mine to keep.

When you see in the sky
It’s a perfect reflection
To hold on to our rainbow.

CCon 9th August 2021


I’m standing in a rainbow
I can’t see where it starts
Where is that pot of gold
I can’t see where it ends.

Science says it’s sunlight through water
I can feel and see an aura.

I think they are magical moments
Of beauty, rain and sunshine
With violet, indigo, blue and green
The yellow, orange and red can be seen.

Colourful reflections give me  a thrill
A double rainbow more magical still.

A rainbow is a story
From clouds and tears of rain
Revealing vibrant lights
Will always shine again.

As Dolly Parton said :-
If you want the rainbow
You have to put up with the rain.

KM 9th August 2021

On the edge of a light beam a rainbow lies

That magical place
That brings the wow feeling in us
No matter how old we are

I saw one from the car
Against the backdrop of a dark sky
It looked amazing

Nature in its naturalness
Showing us all
there’s beauty
all around us

When we notice, When we seek
And we dream and imagine

Somewhere over the rainbow
At the end of a rainbow

The child in us
The spirit of life
Our connection to beyond
In the silent yet magnificent

Of hope, Of appreciation, Of peace, Of grace

The arch of color
The spectrum
The reflection
Or a comfortable embrace

It’s all around us
So let’s feel
The light refracted
And move away from being distracted

From deception, the cover
The noise, the…

To notice in the gaps
The magic that’s there
Every day
More aware

Wake up
To a rainbow
Every day
If you dare…

To where?
Over the rainbow,
Where skies are blue…

TLab 9th August 2021

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