Puddles – poetic expression

Poetic Expression – Puddles


What does the word ‘puddles’ conjure for you? We had the week to let the word settle, and surprisingly, despite being in summer, there were quite a few puddles around (due to the wetter season we are experiencing), that we could get some inspiration from.
For some of us it took us back to our childhood.
For others it was the word itself that created a feeling.
And then there were the unfolding stories about journeys of the lives some had endured as children.

‘Puddles’ brought a rich expression of memories, feelings, learnings and more.
Next week’s word is ‘bouquet’. So if you wish to join in and see how poetic expression works, you can either write a short poem about the topic and email it to us ready to share on the night (or just come along and join in the conversation).


I was tootling along on my bike
Riding to meet this girl I really liked
My mind was where it shouldn’t’ve been
I was wondering if like me, she was keen
When out of the blue I hit some puddles
Now covered in mud was the least of my troubles
For standing, watching was my best mate
I couldn’t stop I didn’t want to be late
“Hold your horses, tiger” he said
“Catch you later” I yelled back to Fred
Picking up my pace I arrived in the nick of time
Under the rotunda she sat on a bench of pine
Shazza was a striking red headed beauty
“You look knackered”. Yikes she’s a cutie.
“What’s the story John Dory?” I replied
“I caught a lurgy and nearly died”
“You’re all hunky dory now? ain’t you?”
“Yeah no sweat, I’m not a wus, I’m true blue.
“Come on then I’ll dinky you down to the lake”
“Sure lets go, but no shenanigans mate”
True to form, I behaved myself. I’m not daft.
“Don’t you show off, not to fast or you’ll see me barf”
We dumped the bike and she took my hand
And led me down to some isolated sand.
Don’t be a mug I tell myself
Piece of cake just be yourself
I dig out my tobacco pouch to roll me a fag
She looks a bit snarky, my spirits sag.
“Sorry didn’t know you didn’t smoke”
“Did it once, I nearly choked”
Her being so close was driving me up the wall
So to calm down I mimicked my favourite bird call
She laughed in surprise and I felt really chuffed
I leant forward to sneak a kiss and was rebuffed
“Oi, you cheeky devil. What’s your game then?’
I felt a bit of a dork so I tried again.
She responded with such gusto, she was legit
And here’s me thinking I’m such a git.
We tied the knot and have three little tykes
I’ve never been so happy; on a cow riding a bike.

PJR    7.02.2022


I now see,
That as a child,
It’s so important,
To feel free…

To jump in puddles
Not care about the socks,
Just enjoy and have fun,
With other kids on the block.

Now ‘puddles’
Rhythms with ‘cuddles’
Another double letter word,
Like ‘bubbles’

Like jolly and lolly,
Golly there’s even Molly,

Like Flitty and witty,
Don’t we love a ditty.

Like silly and frilly,
And the city of Indooroopilly

This poem,
More like
Causing a flutter,
A deep dive shutter
Of puddles

My realisation…
I never got to splutter!

TLaB 7th Feb 22


Puddles muddles rubbles with fluddles
Puddles scuttles huddles of duffles
Puddles befuddles, puzzles couples
Puddles pummels, cudgels mussels into bubbles
Puddles ruffles shovels, frontals fungals
Puddles humbles muscles, rustles knuckles
Puddles shuttles struggles, nuzzles truffles
Puddles troubles tunnels, muffles shuffles
Puddles suckles chuckles, doubles cuddles


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