
Heart-Based LivingTM
Find your self, Find your Way

A beneficial life-changing program,
for wellness, wellbeing, happiness and fulfilment
for any stage, age, change in life

See, feel, do, differently

Chien shares her experience of the program

Click the play icons to view the videos

Are you wanting to:

…then this online program is for you!

It is flexible and fits in with your life.

The program uniquely guides you to

discover your whole self: to become more aware and awaken your senses.
open up to possibilities: to learn, grow and feel what matters.
make choices from your heart: to realise your wants
express and live your wants: to move to activities that bring you joy and inner peace.
work on you: to practice more self-care and improvement.
appreciate your unique self: to pursue more of your passions.
bring more of the ‘real’ you: to share your whole self with others.
feel present in more moments: to notice where you are and what is happening.
feel a real sense of freedom: to live as your authentic self and let go of limitations.
feel less burdened: to move from trying to be someone that others want you to be.
leave others the space to be themselves: to discover their stories and what they truly bring.
relate to your self and others honestly: to build trust, appreciate diversity, to listen and share openly.
live from your heart, with your mind in support: with ongoing practice to meet the challenges of life, your way.

The directors, Tricia and Nigel, share more about the program in this video:

What is included?

What else can be freely accessed?

Chrissie shares her experience of the program:

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Lifetime Access – pay once, what you can afford, use it forever!

Additional personal support sessions can be purchased

More Information

Please click on the tabs below for more details:

  • Questionnaire: where are you now and what have you noticed?
  • Appendix – Research and statistics behind the program
  • Module 1
    • Foundations and themes that underpin the approach
    • Heart-based vs mind-based
    • Wants and not-wants
    • Self-care; what does it really look and feel like?
    • How does deep change really happen?
  • Module 2
    • Discover your senses and feel your heart
    • Tuning in on a deep and intuitive level
  • Module 3
    • Discovering the rules, behaviours, habits and patterns that maybe limiting you
    • Discovering your unique self
  • Module 4
    • Being all of you HMBS
    • Relating and adapting in real time – in moments when it matters
  • Module 5
    • Moving through stages, changes and challenges
  • Module 6
    • Life vision and choices
    • Ongoing practice, improvement and working on the self

There is a strong body of research behind this program and approach, which is shared in the program appendix. It includes heart coherence where positive emotions can lead to improved functioning of the whole self (heart, mind, body, spirit). The program is designed to bring positive emotions to you.

It is worth noting that any community statistics will be represented in organisations also to a certain extent, which can be an indication of what people bring with them to work eg mental health, domestic abuse, self-harm, drug/alcohol use etc. This program can help with people working on themselves.

The program also draws upon your lived experience which is your reality and so important to observe and value. This is how you know that things are improving and getting better for you.

Questionnaires and reflections throughout the program – which when coupled with how you feel makes up your personal evidence

The intention is to:

Find your Self:
connect with your heart, feelings, senses and intuition

Find your Way:
discover your freedom, purpose, path and passions

In your Life:
become your true, caring self, in more moments and situations

Real Time Heart-Based (RTHB) provides programs, community projects and events and support/guidance. It was co-founded by Tricia LaBella and Nigel Stedman, who share a mission to help everyone find their hearts and experience their authentic selves bringing lasting peace and inner contentment. While their journey led them on different challenges and paths, they come together at this stage of their life, with this common vision. Based upon research and universal laws, they bring their lived experiences to share this unique approach for people to find their way. They, too, continue with their own practice for ongoing improvement in all aspects of their lives.

About Tricia:

‘I have experience in many industries including counselling, fitness, coaching, education and wellbeing and this combined with my personal life situations, including a cancer diagnosis in 2006, and life journey as a parent and grand-parent, has helped me to discover a simple truth about feeling truly happy and successful.’

About Nigel:

‘While I have arrived here with a range of work and professional experience in leadership, governance in organisations and business, it has been through my own personal life and journey as a parent that I have discovered what really matters and makes a difference to my own wellbeing and happiness.’

‘Together, we see how moment by moment heart-based practices and caring choices, although small and simple, play the most significant role in underpinning and creating helpful new directions for ourselves, systems, governments, communities, and industries. Our warm regards Tricia and Nigel’

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Testimonial Audio/Video

YP describes her experiences of the program…

Realisations, self-care and compassion:

Senses, intuition, feeling vs thinking:

Why this program:

Why recommend it to others:

Written Testimonials

“The biggest discovery, have been the rules I have been upholding, without realising the limitations I have discovered to listen to my heart and express my feelings.

I liked the dynamic between Nigel and Tricia and I felt heard and supported, with no judgement” (BF)

“I feel more confident to say when I don’t feel I can manage to do something and to take things slower but be more present.

Thank you for your support and wisdom!” (KY)

“I’ve discovered that my priorities need to be adjusted. I feel I’ve gained more insight into why I often feel overwhelmed.

I have very much appreciated and enjoyed the face-to-face sessions with Tricia and Nigel” (PM)

“I have discovered to listen to my heart, express my feelings, do conscious choices in my life. The most important: do what do you want to do with love.

I‘m impressed with the results of this program.” (MR)

“More conscious of panic/racing thoughts. Being aware, practice There is so much out there to learn. Feeling much better, more content and slowing down my mind.

With my heartfelt gratitude to you both, very uplifting for me.” (CC)

More content. Opening my vision for the better, for me. To be more active. To actually do what I feel. Open my horizon to expand my day. To be stronger to make my own decisions.

From when I began the program till now I feel much better in myself.”  (CC)

“Looking at beliefs and rules I have created for myself was very valuable. The program and choices helped me to stay in the present and not think too far ahead in life.

Thanks again, your program really got me moving on things” (MH)

“Clearer focus on my priorities and making efforts to start exploring new ideas and  putting them into place. I am maintaining my fitness and equilibrium and reminder that my passions feed me!

Thank you Tricia and Nigel” (LF)

“Try to work out my limits and become more active in the things that I enjoy and have energy for. I have become more aware of the things that are most important to me

I am being more open about my needs to other people instead of keeping to myself.” (JM)

“The program has been a big journey of self-discovery, including my strengths and things to grow in, as well as the rules/beliefs I have been adhering to which don’t align with me.

Thank you so much to Tricia and Nigel for having me as part of this program, always touching base and truly listening and understanding to not only myself but every other wonderful participant (CP)

I feel I have a truer understanding of who I am and the path that I need to follow not for others, but for myself. I believe I have become more confident and sure of myself in a variety of areas.

… I am very grateful for the opportunity(CP)

This program helped me to form my direction with career, family and friends, and helped me to really understand who I am and what I want.

The biggest discovery is that everything is fluid, forever changing, and sometimes unexpected. However, this excites me…” (CP)


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