Poetic Expression

Our 4 pictures brought out something different in each of us. Surprisingly, we each chose a different image.
And it was interesting to notice the impact of images; what it triggers, where it leads, what learning arrives, what messages.

It highlights, that we can all see what is in front of us, however our reality of what is in front of us, varies with each of us.
This is such a helpful realisation, especially when we begin to ‘tell’ people how it is, when they don’t see it that way at all.
Once again a great reminder to explore how it is for you and others, so as to understand things better.
What a great way to learn and grow.

If you would like to explore you, and the world around you in this way, you are most welcome to join us. Or pass it on to someone who you feel may enjoy and gain from this approach.

Next week’s word is ‘fairy’. I wonder where this will take us.

Hope to see you there.

Its’ just the three of us
Heads down and distraught
We’ve lost a player and fellow artist
Yeah a tuba player in a string quartet
Really it was a stretch.
Who’d thought it would work
So tonight’s musical recital is dead.
Yet as I raise my head
I’m going to ask you two
Does this determines what we do?
Or is it something we can get through?
Come on let our music lift our heads
We can make this a special night
And draw on all our unique insights
This can be our centrepiece
To show our masterpiece
Surely we can make this work
Together we are such a force
Let’s show how much we possess
It’s our time to impress
Come on let our music lift our heads
Three down faces can be a success
Our power lies within us three
Lift our heads and agree. Yes?
PJR      15.07.2024

You are Doing Great

You Are Doing Great
Oh my poor darling
Are you feeling exhausted, and everything seems too boring?
Come over here
Take a rest
I get it
You have been doing a lot
Move jog and run
To get fitter and fitter
But the scenery looks the same
And you are still alone and feel lonely sometimes
Still haven’t found another droplet yet
Who is free and adventurous like you
So what’s the point of pushing
I can’t tell you everything right now
But what I can promise you is
You will find an exciting playground
A huge waterslide in front of you
That’s why you have to be fit enough to be able to enjoy
Otherwise you won’t have the strength to get out of it
Also, there you gonna meet your soulmate
He has the similar mindset
Exactly like you
Curious about the world
And always want to be a better version of himself every single day
So now
Give yourself a pat on the shoulder
You are doing great
Celebrate your small wins and keep up your great work
At the same time
Think about the future
It’s so bright
Awaiting in front of you
XQZ    15.07.2024


Lights, Camera, Action

And there I was centre stage 
Spot light on me 
Literally unable to move 
To speak 
Legs shaking 
Wobbling in my moment 
Feeling all eyes glued to what next 
All surround sounds amplified 
What do I do now
Wishing a wave would swallow me up
Knock me off this rock 
This spot a plot
To draw out my fear 
Of which I am now clear 
No stage for me 
Just let me be 
So I can see 
Who I am when I’m free 

15th July 2024

No Payment Needed

Mr Pigeon was his name
He didn’t ask for wealth or fame
It was his love of nature
The delight of the day
His natural charisma, so enticing
At the park birds would gather
to share some space with him
They hoo hoot their sounds
Mr Pigeon absorbs their lingo
He enjoys his peace with nature
To escape the sadness in his eyes
As he walks through the streets of life

15th July 2024

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