In a world today where we can continuously cover, fix, hide, re-do, to make things seem as close to perfect as we perceive is possible, have we distorted the true meaning of the word ‘perfect’ and in fact, is there any truth around this word?
In striving for what we perceive as ‘perfect’ have we created a ‘rod for our own backs’ and fallen into an ever spiralling trap to reach the ever elusive ‘perfect’ we have been lead to believe is the ‘holy grail’, yet in fact creates imperfection in the way we feel and live?
Or is ‘perfect’ actually as it is, with ‘warts and all’ – in other words is the perfect about what actually exists? Is the perfect the outcome of our decisions in any moment in time; the good bad and ugly, all there to determine, our next direction or step to take?
Or is it more about the best you choose at any one time? The ‘sweet spot’ where it is enough. Where, if any more effort was made to ‘improving’ it, there would be a shift in the balance, with its value lost.
Is perfect 100%?
What does it conjure for you? We had great talk around the word and as usual some great written expressions that opened the way to the conversations.
Hope you enjoy them.
PS the word for next week is ‘tomfoolery’.
The great thing about the session tonight is that it brought up so many different feelings about the nature of perfection and how people are impacted on the nature of perfection.