Keep Moving Lifestyle 2019

Keep Moving Lifestyle 2019

This year, Keep Moving Lifestyle, introduced a monthly focus.  

This was another way to sneak in some extra movement throughout the month. We loved introducing this monthly focus as it gave an opportunity to share some helpful tips.

Keep Moving Lifestyle Contributors 

  • This year has seen so many wonderful contributions from the Keep Moving Lifestyle team: We have loved the videos produced by Lauren and Kay! These 2 most brilliant instructors show in simple fashion, their speciality – yoga, dance, fitness.
  • Thank you for your expertise and keep us all safe and in shape!
  • Thank you also to everyone member of the Keep Moving Lifestyle group. You have been great contributors of so many wonderful articles, videos, evidence and more.
  • We have seen so many great and inspiring things; especially the 102 year old runner!
  • The dance videos however seem to be everyone’s favourites: hip hop, belly dancing, line dancing, jazz, funk and more!
  • We’ve seen the value of weights, pilates, yoga, barre and incidental activity.

Some Moving events 

In February, Kay presented a moving event talk for the City of Unley at the Fullarton Park Community Centre.

In February, Tricia brought the Vision 2019 to Thebarton Community Centre, with a focus on moving on your visions and dreams.

In July, we attended a leadership forum and enjoyed the ‘moving’ breaks! Well done #newdaysummit

In August we joined the Walk a mile in my boots: a fundraiser for Hutt Street Centre.

In October we attended the Welcoming Australia – National Unity Week walk… Walking for a cause.

In September, we did our first sponsorship challenge for the month. Instead of asking for money, we invited sponsors to donate care and fare items to pass on to those in need. And people were so generous. In exchange for upholding the monthly challenge, we received so many items that we passed on to eh Food Barn and Baptist Care Centre.

We introduced Keep Moving Lifestyle to bring to Communities 

Keep Moving Lifestyle 2020

We are looking to support communities and organisations who are looking to inspire movement.

Movement that improves physical, mental, psychological, social and personal wellbeing.

We are looking for ways to spread the message and have people enjoy this wonderful session that will kickstart LIFE LONG movement and growth!

2020 may be the year we apply for small grants to make this a possibility.

If you know who may love to share this opportunity with others, we would love to hear from you…

What’s in story for 2020

For 2020, we look forward to build our video collection, bringing monthly moves you will love to engage.

We hope to share these videos with more and more people in the community.

We will continue to share the message around moving – in as many ways – towards what brings fulfilment and happiness.

To encourage each of you – to create your own ways that FEEL GREAT FOR YOU.

Jodie Lee Foundation

The event we will be walking more kilometres for is the Jodie Lee Foundation.

On May 16th,  we will walk 40 km, so this gives us a real focus for our walking and moving for the beginning of the year.

We will keep you posted.

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