Intuition… Poetry 29-3-21


There are 2 poems on the left that were written before the session, thanks Peter for the entertaining and clever poem! And to the great conversation with those who participated in the session on the night. The question around what is intuition, and do we all have it, can we develop it? A great way to explore more about what it means to us… Hope to see you next week, Lesly.


PJR       29.03.2021

Gut to Brain are you receiving?

Yes Gut it’s you I’m perceiving.

Great mate I need your help.

Sure Gut what have you felt?

Logic needs to take a back seat,

I have a problem I need to beat.

Decision is being a pest, and,

Guessing needs to take a rest

You know how they like to obsess

They are not helping I must confess.

Let my Feelings take the rein

So Conclusion won’t be such a pain.

I’ll free up Serotonin to lend a hand,

Let Dopamine find the lie of the land.

I’ll get Nervous System on board,

To work with my mate Spinal Cord.

All together with me in the lead,

We’ll find the right answer Brain, yes indeed.

O.K. Gut do what you do best,

So over and out, I need a rest.


TLab 29.03.21

I love there is such a word…

A word that suggests

There’s something more,

Something beyond…

A sense you can’t see, yet you can…

A sense you can’t hear, yet you can…

A sense you can’t smell, yet you can…

A sense you can’t feel, yet you can…

A knowing that comes from…

Who knows ‘where’?

A ‘where’ beyond the mind

does dare…

It can arrive from the ethers,

From a moonbeam, a wave,

Or in the wind, of change…

As a force, feeling, friend, foe

Settling, unsettling

Wobbly – I know…

Telling me yes, telling me no

Telling me stop, telling me go

The way of intuition

Just as it is so…

A silence, a gift

It creates a shift

A feeling, a glimpse,

A time to wish…

To trust it’s OK

To just be and let be,

Perhaps it’s the path,

To really be FREE…



What is it?

Is it just for women or do men have it too?

The gut has feelings, 

It’s not just women… 

The witches of Salem, 

People can see or read into what others can’t see

Intuitive people can sense what people are feeling

It relates to emotions… 

A woman carries a child in a womb 

Because of that there is already an emotional connection… 

The language is different… 

Women use different language to men… 

Life experience is part of your intuition…

It brings it depth… 

Can people further develop their intuition and if so how?

Is it practice is it finding peace….

Perhaps if you want to believe in something you need to say yes to it…

You may develop it…

Or is it that we may or may not be able to hear it or listen to it… 

We’ve all got intuition 

It’s just are we aware of it… 

Awareness in your mind that something is going to happen… 

You trust it… 

It comes through all on its own… 

I wasn’t aware at the time that it was my intuition… 

My intuition tells me

Our collective sense within us takes it all in… 

and comes up with a feeling… 

It’s like its computing into something quite strong… 

Listening to your body, more aware – through your body… 

It could be instinct…. that could be another word for it. 

Where does it come from?

Animals have instinct to survive… 

We have to learn this and it takes a long time to develop… 

We have instinct to survive 

A vibe a deep sense – 

it doesn’t make sense… 

When things flow – is it intuition flowing through…. 

When I’m trying hard… it may be another part of me… my other side that compliments the intuitive side… 

When I have a block, I mismatch – writing anti my feelings… then I re-edit as a want… 

I’ve had a premonition, I can’t explain it, so it’s hard to talk about it… 

When I can’t explain it… but I know, I can feel it, see it, hear it… 

Later it makes sense… 

My biggest regret is when I have listened to the feeling… 

When I’ve ignored the instinct 

Ignored the feeling… 

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