Game- poetic expression

So many games! What games pop up for you? Perhaps childhood games, online games, or perhaps the games people play? Game, as a noun.

Or are you game? Game as an adjective.

So many possibilities for this word…

Hope you enjoy these expressions for this week.

Next week’s word is ‘rhythm’. Feel free to drop in or if you’d like to write a poem, you can! Visit the events calendar on this site, for the zoom link to join us.

Hope to see you there

Are You Game?

Hidden behind the screen
No one sees how you play

It’s so easy to destroy
And be destroyed
In this game

That’s why I aim
To step outside the frame
And meet face to face

TLaB    24.02.25

Next Time

What an exciting adventure
As we walk along the track
Let’s go down to the quarry
I’ll race you there and back
In the still of the day
We walk on and play
Down by the creek
We tip toe and sneak
Found a lazy lizard
Watched in anxious silence
As it slowly disappeared

The mysterious entrance
Waiting for someone brave
To feel the excitement
Of being in a cave
Eyes widen, pulses racing
We move closer to explore
I’m game if you go first
We tip toe in
Our hearts nearly burst
Running out with a sense of belief
That we’re not so game
As we grin with relief

CCon    24.02.25

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