Fame… Poetic Expression


When it comes to end of a session we find ourselves exploring words for the next week. Actually we have realised that no matter what the word, or how obscure, there is always something unique and thought provoking that arrives.
A few words arrived; firstly frame, then fear, then fun, then came the play on words starting with f, and so came fame and fortune, and we arrived at FAME.
Our conversation around the changing nature of fame and the famous. Infamous was also discussed. What comes from fame, and it’s not all desired.
A great acrostic poem was introduced using the social media platforms where fame is often found; twitter, instagram, YouTube, tiktok…
And the famous spots around Adelaide… ‘The Walk of Fame’ at the Adelaide Festival Theatre, the Adelaide Town Hall (where the famous Beatles visited in 1964), the famous ‘Malls Balls’ and of course Terry!
Here are a couple of poems on ‘fame’. Peter’s poem; a ‘pantoum’. Can you see the pattern? It is great discovering different poem structures.

I want to live forever…

Fame, I want to live forever…
The feel good.
What is it that feels good?

When your life is not your own,
Rather what others perceive,
She’s this, she’s that,
He’s this, he’s that,
What a load of ….

Fame the lure,
Fame the trap,
Music, Movies,
That’s a wrap…


When in the limelight,
Your heart do tell..
‘Dear self, your job
Is to know yourself well’

If not gobbled up
You soon will be,
Never able to frolic
Or roam free…

Marilyn, Michael, Brittany and more
Often collapsed, found on the floor,
So much talent, gifts to share,
The challenge, was to be aware.

‘Live forever’ the dream does fade,
Life shortened, then there’s a parade,

Why? Why didn’t we,
Do something more,
To look beyond the fame,
To the person, the core?

What have we become,
To be entertained in this way,
Feeding fame, and what that brings,
Really sad, I must say…

TLab 19th Aug 2021


You just have to mention a name
Anyone who has achieved in society
We recognise them for their fame
Even those we know for their notoriety

Anyone who has achieved in society
Well known for their accomplishment
Even those we know for their notoriety
Can leave you gasping in astonishment

Well known for their accomplishment
In sports, politics, sciences, arts and entertainment
Can leave you gasping in astonishment
Their various deeds and actions leave us in amazement

In sports, politics, sciences, arts and entertainment
You might want to question if some are sane
Their various deeds and actions leave us in amazement
You just have to mention a name

PJR    20.08.2021

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