Fake- poetic expression

The word for the week was ‘fake’. So many directions once again this word took us in. Another that brought out feelings and how we see the world around us
Once again, a great example of how to get out what lies inside, and decide what next from there. Sometimes, it is the end of the journey of exploration, sometimes, it is the beginning
We can never know what leads to what. We can just enjoy the ride, and notice the amazing layers and complexities that within and outside of us.
We can only hope that in time, we can feel the awe of it all, no matter what it brings.
Where does this word take you?
We’d love you to join us or pass this on to someone else who may enjoy or gain from this unique way we ‘get out what’s inside’.

Next week’s word is ‘relish’.

Hope to see you there.

Fake News

Liar Liar
Pants on Fire
a child’s chant
the taunting rhyme
nowadays the taunt of
the fake news crier
Liar Liar
Pants on Fire
intentional abuse of the truth
from little white lies
to a pack of lies
when it suits
Liar Liar
Pants on Fire
truth is twisted to deceive
in the tangled web
of misinformation
that is called fake news
Liar Liar
Pants on Fire
Dire Dire
Is the Fake News Crier
PJR       09.09.2024


I wonder why some people like to be fake
To please others?
Scared of being judged?
Or to fit in?
You live in the society
You can’t do and say whatever you want
By reacting in a way what others like will help you become popular and speed up your career
Have you ever been told like this?
But, when you get accepted from others
From the groups
With the sacrifice of losing you
Will you be happy?
Be truly happy deep from your heart?
And will you be able to do this for a long time?

XQZ 9th September 2024
I like your MC style
What style?
Not only one, two
But many used this word, the same word
At first, feeling surprised
Being genuine is so easy
But looking around
Many people fake enthusiasm
They may think that is what audience wants
They forget something important
Only being you can connect
Aren’t great truths always simple

XQZ 9th September 2024

True Diamonds

Authentic fakes 
Are inevitable 
When we evolve 
Driven by the times 
The rules, the fads
Embedded beliefs from the outside 
And within our own self delusions 

About what we need 
To feed 
To say and do 
To be something 
To be successful 
To fit in 
To survive 

Mechanist compliant beings 
Sparkling brightly 
With a shiny veneer 

A shell so easily cracked 
Spilling out what truly resides inside 
It cannot hide 

It becomes clear…
We fear to feel what is real 
Telling ourselves 
‘It’s no big deal’

So how do we awake 
To no longer break 
Under the pressure? 

Rather genuinely
Embrace, not fake it
As the path
To becoming…

True diamonds

TLaB 9th September 2024


Difficult to be yourself
Day in and day out
Situations change you
Re-arrange you
Can’t think straight
Then so calm
Is it best to carry on
Or just silently curl up
Into a ball, try to forget it all
Feeling fake and don’t know why
Carry on, give another day a try
Tomorrow may seem real

CCon 9/9/24

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