‘Elite’ definition; a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society.
Elite as a word came up the week of our Government’s Federal Elections, so there were many instances where the term ‘elite’ was brought up throughout the week. While our indigenous people have not been seen or expressed in this light, it was comforting to see, the tide seems to be turning.
Of course there are many things that can arrive for us around a word, and this week was no exception. Interestingly, the power around the elite, has been leading discussions around the world in relation to the way of life and the sense of equity and how to bring to care for all humans on the planet. Is it time to look at the nature of the ‘elite’ and ensure no harm or damage ripples from ‘getting there’ or while there?
What does ‘elite’ conjure for you? Where has that arrived from?
Next week’s word is ‘pancake’. I wonder where that will lead us?
Hope to see you there.

Step one, select your sex
Step two, select your choice
Male, female, no in-between.
Hope I don’t meet my ex
Next on the mating site
I’m asked to state my case
Will my answers lay the bait,
to find my perfect mate?
This is my time to find
my future partner in crime.
I’m feeling good inside
I wonder who’ll reply.
Trying not to overthink
Should I share all my kinks?
Being honest? Might as well.
it’s all part of my on-line sell.
Many questions leave me blank
Good heavens can I be that frank
Should I keep a bit up my sleeve?
Who knows what they’ll believe.
Its time to hit submit
Reticence holds me back a bit
Here goes the deed is done
Not too sure of the outcome
Good gracious that was quick
Matches already to be picked
Fuzzy photos on which to click
Choices, choices, choices.
I start by reading what they say
So many thoughts come into play
I feel uncomfortable and detached
So many looking to be matched
I’m unable to continue in this quest
It’s causing me a deep unrest
To see their faces comes with a catch
I need to subscribe to view my match
Eyes, mouth, smiles are important to see
For which I’m not willing to pay a fee
This feels foreign and I’m unconnected
because this is not what I expected
I’ve unsubscribed to the Elite dating site
As going online doesn’t feel quite right.
PJR 23.05.2022

Why is it, that we classify?
Create the ism’s,
In the shape of prisms
Elitism describing the best,
the highest levels,
when it comes to the test…
A level created by man,
there to drive,
To reside,
Or more so, to hide
To hide what is not there,
because of what, is shared…
Yet it doesn’t seem to matter,
When the elite status splatters
The focus on what is,
Seems what isn’t, goes amiss
Her Majesty the Queen,
Vulnerability unseen
Sport star, number one,
Inner turmoil, deep and numb
The company head,
A life of dread
IQ so high,
Real life passing by
Financial wealth,
Movement stealth
Finest of skills,
Downing pills
Nerves of steel,
No place to heal
The rich and famous,
Out to play us…
Privilege that divides,
True friendships denied
Politicians say they care,
Lies beware
Elite, is it a treat?
Or status to defeat?
For the elite still are,
Like you and me, quite scarred…
TLaB 23rd May 22

How do you become elite
In a world which is replete
With so many who can do
The special things like you?
In sports, the term elite
Can be applied to an athlete
Who is at the top of their game
Like those who do the same
There is another use
Which often results in abuse
Of each human right
Which is often hidden from sight
With this type of dictator
Who were often freedom fighters
But when they take over
They are often crueller
Than the last…
How do we choose these ‘leaders’
Who are essentially ’needers’
Wanting their egos stroked
And putting down those who revoked
Whether it is in countries
Schools, NGO’s or companies
It is time to complete
An eradication of elites
Who expect a lot and give little
And feel what is important is their title
Who have such a sense of entitlement
When what is needed is enlightenment
Time to choose humility and kindness
Over status and niceness (NRS)
Whether it is in countries
Schools, NGO’s or companies
It is time to complete
An eradication of elites
Who expect a lot and give little
And feel what is important is their title
Who have such a sense of entitlement
When what is needed is enlightenmentÂ
Time to choose humility and kindness
Over status and niceness (NRS)