
Sometimes it’s fun to explore words that arrive from left field. Donkey, not a word you would normally explore around, however the direction it took us, was interesting!
Interesting the other words used for donkey such as ass and mule. Do you actually know the difference. This quick reference says:
An ass is what we consider a donkey, except that it’s wild. So, donkeys are domesticated asses: four-footed, hoofed mammals related to the horse, but smaller, with longer ears and a shorter mane, shorter hair on the tail, and a dark stripe along the back. A mule is a cross between a horse and donkey
Anyway these lead to some interesting patterns of speech and meanings associated with words and, as you’ll read below, with how words sound.
Where does the word take you? For some of us, it lead us into different worlds.
Hope you enjoy the poems and the journeys we ventured into in our expressions this week.
PS the word for next week is ‘suitcase’. Now I wonder where this will take us… Please feel free to join in.

Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But names will never hurt me
That might not be so if your parents are sadistic
I think these kids would grow up antagonistic
Imagine poor Carole Singer and Sarah Nader
Or Dick Tate, Ben Dover or Levy Tate
Being introduced on a blind date.
The reaction at primary school for
Horace Cope, Arty Fiscell or Bennie Factor.
And those wishing to become an actor like
Holly Wood, Kay Oss or Felix Cited.
So unfair for Jim Nasium and Gerry Attrick
Their names being a bit melodramatic
Think of those seeking a career
Lori Driver, Sandy Beech and Lois Price
What a reaction they would invite.
Surely no level headed adult
Would name their child Jack Pott
Or Cullum Marie, Jay Walker or Crystal Ball.
Leaving them feeling totally small
Heaven forbid you were called Don Keigh
That would hurt a lot I guarantee.
Hee Haw, Hee Haw, Hee Haw.
PJR 28.03.2022
‘Don’t be a donkey’
Sayings, ouch!
Isn’t there even a game ‘Smart Ass’
Or is it ‘dumbass’ or ‘hardass?’
The donkey, nonetheless seen as less,
Perhaps to its near relative the horse,
of course
So why is that?
Maybe it can’t run as fast, or stand with the same stature,
Why must things be judged on grandeur?
But what I know is that they are great friends not foe
Of my relatives from the villages in Italy…
Working the land
And always on the go
Their donkey or ‘asino’ the transport for their fill
the daily treks by the very old ‘nonna’s’ up and down the hill
With their loyal servants by their side…
Looking at them with gratitude and pride
No sign of being ‘stubborn as a mule’,
Another saying forming rules- so cruel
I see it’s more like choosing the pace,
Not seeing it as a race
Or fearing disgrace
With those big beautiful eyes and ears
Seemingly without fear
More just happy to be
Now that’s a strength
To be revered…

Left the farm, jump in the truck
Dust and heat under my feet
Found some time to collect the mail
And get on with the day
Arrive at the junction, collect the mail
In eagerness to return
I look up, and what do I see
A donkey, staring straight at me
Holy Moly! What a shock
A donkey should not be on this block
Back in the truck, donkey looking
Don’t look back!
Arrive at the farm to face my day
Donkey in the back
Another mouth to feed
With all these bills
That is all I need
Never underestimate your day
Your heart will guide you all the way