Darn and Yarn at Cafe Outside the Square

Darn and Yarn at Cafe Outside the Square

A couple of times a year, we like to invite knitters, joiners, sewers and kit designers, to Cafe Outside the Square, for a sharing and caring.

If you haven’t been to the Cafe, we would like to say, it has a beautiful feel, and it is wonderful what they do… They share the spirit of caring for those doing it rough, by their pay forward approach and provision of meals to many around the city of Adelaide.

At this event, we heard the most beautiful story about Bill and Ben, 2 alpacas…. Watch the video for the story.

We also learnt a lot from many, about designs and techniques. One skill that was very appreciated was by Gwen around the sewing in technique.

Thank you everyone, who attended, and to those who couldn’t make it, we hope to see you next time.

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