

One week Lesly’s beautiful crystal grabbed our attention, and became the inspiration for the word of the week. So what does the word ‘crystal’ conjure for you? Lovely to see where it took  us all, and once again it opened up many trails of thoughts and opportunities to express another part of us. .

Powerful expression around crystals which are used by many for their beauty and healing properties on the one hand, and yet in many instances, are at the cost of people who work in the mines. We’re certainly seeing the world from different view points, and it is wonderful to experience.

How do you shine so brightly

How do you shine so brightly,
Showing all the colours that you do,
The rainbow that reflects so widely
Where your truth shines through

Whilst you may be hard on the outside
Your miracles begin
From universal and ageless
To a softness within

I am in awe
of your transparency
Your depth is infinite
You express with fluency

You have so much variety
In the way that you appear
With so much to watch and see
Shapes dancing, yet look so clear

You seem so endless
In beauty, shape and light
I hope that you go on shining
A star of day and night


Crystals in the Room

Hustle and bustle in the palace today
With weeks of preparation ahead
Intricate gowns to be made
Elaborate food to prepare
Such a prestigious occasion
for invited guests to share

A crystal chandelier these days
you will rarely see
All of a sudden the ball is tomorrow
Lucky me!

The announced guests arrive
They swan into the room
As crystals hanging here
I sparkle at the atmosphere happening below

Some with noses in the air
Some so timid,
I love hanging here
It’s all so vivid

The orchestra strikes up a waltz
For princes to partner the ladies
with a signed card on their wrist,
Some so confident, some so nervous
From where I hang I can see the obvious

Everyone enjoying the ball
It is quite spectacular after all
Now the kings and queens leave to retire
The young relax to admire the one they really adore
Their eyes give them away, a grand night is in store

I glisten as I see the evening to the very end
Lights out!
I so enjoy each year
Being the crystal chandelier

CCon 4-10-21

Who am I?

I sit in the corner glowing
When its my moment to shine
I’m warming your heart,
Bringing you comfort
Removing toxic particles
Lathering you with health
Radiating  joy
Standing strong
Unassuming as I take my position
Shedding layers subtly
Changing shape as I release to the atmosphere
Never dancing to get your attention
Waiting patiently instead
For when you engage me
My energy
To feel and heal your life
Connect your own energy field
To the core and depths of the earth
Entwined in the vibrations as one
One field connected by energy
I am silent invisible yet majestic
Thank you for having me in your life
I’ll be with you again
As you move through the vane…



From crystal clear
To subtle inebriation
My mind is full of fear
of the highs hiding in my intoxications
A structure so full of unsound concoctions.
An escape into another reality
The euphoria so easy to find
feelings felt, instant, intense, insanity
This addiction that leaves me behind, hidden
My mind and body in flotation, suspended
upended in its own momentum
Drink induced contemplation
Falling upwards in desperation
A peace walled in its silence
The unbroken repetitive considerations
Beat me up
Beat me down
I hate who I am
And what I’ve hidden away
This shroud I’ve hidden behind
The cloak of being found out
I’m not the person I was
Nor am I the person I once was
I can never take back what I’ve done.
The steps I’m taking to overcome
are mine to take and mine alone.
Your love and support I understand.
I want you to be at my side
As I take my steps towards myself
And when I falter I might need your shoulder
Let me not walk in my shadow
Of who you thought I was
Because this road is mine to discover
And you might find another me,
Reflected in your side mirror.

PJR    3.10.2021

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