Cage – poetic expression

Our discussion from last week’s word ‘frame’ brought out some wonderful words, ‘cage’ being one of them. 

Where does the word ‘cage’ lead you and what does it conjure? 

It is true to say, that we often feel the want to strive for freedom, hence any sense of being caged, may not seem appealing. What types of cages are there? Caged animals was the first things that came to my mind, and yet these are are not the only type of cages.

We discussed the concept of human cages, that may not be visible, yet form limitations in some way. Sometimes cages are there to protect us, for our own safety and sometimes they are to protect something from us.

We hope you enjoy these expressions around the word ‘cage’ and feel free to comment on your own feelings.

The next week’s word is ‘knitting’.

Hope to see you there.

This time Amity

This time Amity
wished me into reality.
Six years old
and no silly billy
she tried Princes
White witches
angels and fairies
Marvel hero’s
imaginary friends.
None of these creatures
could contain all
her experiences.
So here I am
floating on the
edge of her bed.
Her tiny fingers
silently, lovingly, caringly
building, moulding, creating
her life into me.
I hope I’ll be
her safe repository.
With one final touch
A name which to call me
When in distress
To let her mind
Come to rest

I’m to answer to


Strong unbreakable
totally reliable.
She has spun me
in a golden mesh.
Rainbows dance
along my length.
Coloured blocks act
as storage spots
Each colour to expand
and interlock 
memories on demand.
For Amity I’ll be
her special right hand
to store each days
sensory overload.
Then at night
she can call my name
and on her command
open to the flow
and let her stream
her past day into me.
Then falling asleep
with peaceful dreams
she’ll no longer
be overwhelmed
by nightly screams



Exotic flash of colour
Brightens the sky 

Flying free 
So much to see 

Wings expand 
Broad view of the land 

Attracted by a light 
Got a huge fright 

Couldn’t get out of the way
He saved the day

Was so lucky… 

Taken to a vet
Soon became a pet 

Elaborate cage
Was all the rage

“So lucky”

Cleanly kept
And swept

“So lucky”

Food always near
No need to fear 

“So lucky”

Looking pretty 
Feeling pity 

“So lucky”


“So lucky”

Dulled voice
Delusion of choice

“So lucky”

Door open 
A token 

Until the day
I flew away

So lucky…

And now free
To be me 

Who I am meant to be,

So lucky…

TLaB 4th July 22

The cage

What is freedom? 
Can it be seen or unseen?
Is it a state of mind or heart
A state of being
Or somewhere in between?

What is a cage?
Does it surround us?
Does it trap us?
Can it be seen or unseen?
Is it a state of mind or heart
Or a state of being
Or somewhere in between?

Can we feel free in a cage?
Or is it delusion?
Can relationships or even marriage
Be a cage?
Is it a state of mind or heart
Or a state of being
Or somewhere in between?

What scale can be a cage?
The universe, world, country, town, abode?
Can we feel trapped if our cage is the universe or planet?
Is it a state of mind or heart
Or a state of being
Or somewhere in between?

Maybe the cage is emotional
Where our choices are not made freely
Where we are trapped by fear, rules, expectations or duty?
How can we tell?
I have felt trapped from all of these and more
Is it a state of mind or heart
Or a state of being
Or somewhere in between?

Is there any hope?
Or do we stay in our cages until the end?
Maybe we can begin to awaken
To practice making our own choices
With our heart as the guide
Remove the burden of looking over our shoulder

And instead look yonder to our future
Is it a state of mind or heart
Or a state of being
Or somewhere in between?


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