Cabin knit stitch with Betty

Betty from Resthaven Murray Bridge

Saturday apart from the weather being a divine autumn day, we enjoyed visiting, firstly Brother Bear at Mt Barker (one of our drop off spots).

They warmly took a couple of kits, to pass on to Ruth, who has kindly volunteered to become a new KACS joiner (We wish you well XX).

We then travelled further along the freeway to Murray Bridge to visit Betty at the Resthaven for the zoom session. What a wonderful session with Betty at the helm teaching us the Cabin design.

Betty gave us permission to video the session, which will mean everyone can discover how! It will soon be available to view and learn from.

It was wonderful seeing Betty’s expression when she found herself connected via zoom and seeing her daughter also on the session! Thanks Betty, and what an inspiration you are.

In a few weeks she’ll be starting a group also, so looking forward to hearing how that goes.

We have learnt that with a few simple steps, connecting through zoom, is possible for more people either isolated or alone looking to connect with others.





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