About you… Celia Petersgould

We met Celia at Cafe Outside the Square, during one of our events for Knit a Care Square. Her warmth and the support she brought for our event, lead to a conversation and we found out much more about her, what she does and what she brings.
We’re sure you will agree there are so many powerful messages she brings in throughout this video zoom chat.
Celia shares her story, the challenges she faced in finding her path initially in life, and the realisation and decision to change her work and way of life. She shares some very wise points around life, wellbeing and mental health.

Cafe Outside the Square is at Whitmore Square, Adelaide 5000, if you are keen to find out more or donate or volunteer in some way. The link to their website is here. 

“I really want to encourage everyone to explore and learn more about themselves. I think that we are all taught in life at some point we need to do certain things to be happy and successful, but what we really need to understand is that everyone is unique and what might be seen as success to some people or society in general, isn’t necessarily what success will look like or mean to you. Do more of the things you love, engage more with people that make you feel good, and follow your passions, not other peoples expectations. Explore, try new things, make new connections, find what makes you tick. We get one life, one opportunity to make the most of. Why not enjoy it?

I find that the things that people value the most, define what their idea of success is. I value meaningful connections, contributing to the world to make it a better place, and of course engaging in creative activities that bring me joy and happiness. So think about what you value, and ask yourself – Are you on the path to your own version of success?”


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