In September 2006, when I had an experience with cancer, I first glimpsed the ‘I’ that lay beyond the outer me.

At that time, amazingly I went to a place where I experienced no fear, no what ifs, just a connection with a freedom, a comfort, a security, a sense of that which lay beyond my thought world.

It was the start to what others have termed and I can identify as an ‘awakening’.

Through ongoing practice in meditation and stillness in the months following surgery, clarity beyond all my previous life experiences, surfaced.

From this a wonderful appreciation for all that exists in the world especially my family and friends and their precious gifts of comfort, love and support.

The following short writings were as they unfolded from some of these moments.

I hope the words infiltrate beneath the surface to where you may experience feelings of amazement, appreciation, curiosity, intrigue or access your own personal realisations.

Whichever way, I hope these words support you in your life’s experience.

Tricia La Bella


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