Walk and Talk

Walk and Talk 16 AprilApr 2023 08:30 - 10:30Glen Osmond Road, ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA
Community Events

Walk and Talk - Sundays: 8:30-10:30am (ACST) Adelaide City (South), *Please check, before attending here

Join us on our fortnightly walks in the beautiful city of Adelaide. Each time we notice new plants, birds and other interesting sites along the way.

We meet either at the roundabout on Frome Road, near the Adelaide Zoo entrance or at Glen Osmond Road near South Terrace typically at 9am.

Walk at whatever pace works for you. Bring a friend or enjoy the talk with others.

At the end of the walk there is the option to enjoy a coffee on the way back to where we started.

We ask that a pantry or personal care item donation be given so we can support those in need..

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Glen Osmond Road (near South Terrace), Glen Osmond Road, ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA


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