Tai Chi

Tai Chi 15 DecemberDec 2022 19:30 - 20:15
Online Events

Tai Chi - The Way of Peace and Harmony with Mardiyah each Thursday at 7:30pm (ACST): Click this zoom Link to drop in, learn and practice as you feel you can.  You are always welcome!

This session, is about connection and engagement. As well as discovering more about energy (chi) and various disciplines associated with it, Mardiyah will support your growth and understanding of what is available to you. Come along and enjoy this session for so many reasons.

Mardiyah is an accredited Tai Chi instructor who has trained with many of the Masters, both here and in China. She has a comprehensive Martial Arts background, but her main focus during these sessions, is on health and wellbeing.

Mardiyah became interested in Tai Chi due to having injuries and back pain and having a Physiotherapist recommend it to her. Over the last eleven years her overall health has improved dramatically.

You will be introduced to diaphragmatic breathing, helping you to improve balance and bring about an overall calmness in these stressful times.

*Note: ACST and ACDT and ACDT (Australian Central Daylight Time  runs from 1st Sunday in Oct until 1st Sunday in April)

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