Poetic Expression

Poetic Expression 20 MarchMar 2023 18:00 - 19:00
Online Events

Poetic Expression with Tricia - Mondays: 6pm-7pm ACST Just click this zoom Link to pop in.

There is something magical about words connecting together to form a unique expression.So many of us do this in our own way and it can feel so wonderful to express in a way that feels right for us.
Whether you write your own expressions / poems or read from those of others, emotions can easily surface and move through us. Somehow this can often help shift something in us and can help us get on with our day better.

Join Tricia each week to share your poems and / or express your words to form part of the prose and to enjoy a range of topics. (see the Poetic Expression blogs for previous topics).

The way we see words can impact how we see and experience the world.  During these sessions, we uncover the feelings and experiences within us triggered by the word chosen, which are words used in our every day.

Each week you can choose to explore, write/share something (prose/poem) and/or be part of the discussion. The word/topic for the week can be found on the previous week's poetry blog. You may prefer just to come along to hear the work of others and share in the discussions. We would love to see you and you will be welcome.

Go straight to the zoom link and pop in, share, listen, chat.

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