Knit and Chat

Knit and Chat 22 MarchMar 2023 10:30 - 11:30
Community EventsOnline Events

Drop-in on Wednesday mornings, with Chris Fanning, from 10:30am (ACST), click this zoom Link to knit, share and chat.
Knit a Care Square was one of the first community projects created out of Real Time Heart-Based.

It started by knitting one square at a time, that later were joined to form a beautiful blanket.

It was through Kay Mackenzie engagement in the community fitness classes that word spread to her participants and before long, people from around the state and country were knitting and taking on other roles such as edging, designing and joining.

400 blankets in 2019, approximately 500 in 2021 and over 600 in  2022 were made and distributed to those in need. See the full story here

Now through Coronavirus, wars and other challenges in our world, blankets are needed more than ever, and what a way for people, from all walks of life to get involved and something they love.

Join us to knit and darn together and share knitting tips and ways to get blankets to those in need.

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